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for The Omega Pack

7/27/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hello! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Kindly send me a message if this offer piqued your interest
11/3/2013 c4 Sara
I never thought I was going to like this again because you took so much time updating but damn! I'm hooked again and I want more Hannah! Also, I'm starting to ship Libby and Reid and I just asdfghjkl
7/2/2013 c4 Allistairr
Your genius continues to amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaze me. Love ya :3
7/2/2013 c4 2TotallyA
Ok so, I love the idea of the Candy Shop. Where on earth did you get the idea for that? I reread the entire section about it twice and even then it took some time to understand and I'm not sure I understand everything. So from what I understand, people tell the candy shop secrets about themselves in exchange for secrets about someone who they want dirt on? Is it a bidding process or is it anyone who gives a good enough secret gets told? Maybe, clearing this all up in the story would be worth doing as well...
5/10/2013 c3 dKnightx
I am Libby. (Without the whole fortune, and legacy thing...but still) I think even though I have been out of go school for a while, this story is still 100% in the "real world". Oh my god. I laugh, I snarl, I glower, and I swoon (dear god Zane). I love your fanfiction, but I love your originals more. You have more reign and freedom, which is a spectacular thing in your work. So yeah. You rock. End of.
5/5/2013 c3 leavemeialone
You have no idea how much I like this story. First of all, who doesn't like the 4 houses that you referenced similarly to HOGWARTS! AH! XD Second of all, I really like Libby. I think she is a strong female protagonist. I like how she doesn't seem to give a shit and she still cares enough to try to help people. I am really curious to why Elizabeth chose to do that. Is it because she doesn't Libby's reputation to be tarnished? Or she doesn't want Libby to be friends with her because she feels as though she isn't as good? I don't know . . . I hope she has a good reason. I wonder how she will take up all this responsibility of being a Lysander. I keep thinking she might end up power crazed . . . . and forget who she is. I like how she has been living a life unknown to her name as Lysander and what it means. I think that it does her good having this background to help her make this school better. I like Zane, but I think he is way too into being a Westchester. It is important, but still . . . I want to see more interactions with them. I want to see a nicer side of him, though I still love his mysterious self. I can't wait to see an update! XD
4/22/2013 c3 raina-night
I lavvv it! No really tho, it's great, update soon!
4/20/2013 c3 TotallyA
I enjoyed this. A lot. I love the idea of the school, I love Libby and I love the craziness that is everything. It's such an interesting dynamic how even if some of the elite people don't like her they still have to accept her and all that. I'm sure that'll cause some major trouble later. The whole her hooking up with Zane thing is pretty cool too. I was wondering though, why would they have hooked up before she was rich? Or was she already somewhat rich? You also mentioned that she was one of the two popular girls in the school, I believe it was, and I was wondering how that happened. She doesn't seem like too much of a girl who cares about that.
12/11/2012 c2 Guest
oh gosh this is so amazing. please update, it's reaaaaaaaally good! xx
9/2/2012 c2 kristin
absolutely amazing! im addicted! i cant wait for the next chapter! SOOOO GOOD! i also read like every other story you have written sooo ya! fantastic job! :)
8/28/2012 c2 b
oh god this is sooo good! excited for the next one :) xx
8/18/2012 c2 AllTheWayUp12
Hey! I haven't seen your stories in such a long time! :) well, anyways, before I start my actual review, I'd just like to comment that you used 99 Problems twice. Haha!

Well, anyways, I like Libby, but I'm with Zane in the last part. Well, I don't blame her for getting frustrated. Pretty understandable.

I like Zane too. He's not your typical sexy, mysterious, green-eyed boy who gets high grades in school and treats everyone like they're nothing until the love of his life arrives. And for that, I applaud you. Haha. I'm just sick of the stories with over-talented protagonists and their indifference! Well, anyways, at first (like Libby) I thought he'd be the myterious type. But still, I like his character.

Anyways, I hope to read more of this story!

But more than that, I'd like to read more of Dare You To Trust Me. Hehe. I just can't stand Adam and Tristan not being all brotherly. I love them. And I'm still curious as to why Alex did that.

8/17/2012 c2 Lauren
Wow! Amazing, really. Your writing is seriously just - there are no words. This story's absolutely awesome and I want to see what happens next soo badly. Haha. Seriously though, your writing is out of this world. Keep up the phenomenal work! 3
8/15/2012 c2 2aspiringauthor95
And again, another amazing chapter by the best writer on this site. (yeah I'm trying to give you a big head, cause you deserve it _) I can't wait to see what kind of trouble Libby and Zane get into next:D update soon please!
8/15/2012 c2 kamm07
You know how your mind can't read fast enough for your eyes? It was like I was chasing myself. It was crazy how much I wanted to read more and more and more and more! I remember thinking how I wish it wouldn't end. Thank God your updated are long! More awesomeness please!

And the houses idea? GENIUS.
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