Just In
for The Wedding Gone Wrong

1/30/2013 c2 1toxicninja
This is really exciting!
1/27/2013 c1 Ryantheboss Moor
Good job Audra
11/10/2012 c6 3AoideMythos
I love how everyone would actually look back to that and laugh! XD
This is a good ending to this story!
9/28/2012 c5 1Thedude99
"And we all lived happily ever after!" Yeah I highly doubt that. You need to change the ending. It is blandly optimistic and unrealistic.
9/24/2012 c1 Maddy Murphy
Hey! Wow, im intreged on the first chapter! You have a gift. I'm looking forward to reading more of this story and many others!
9/1/2012 c5 3AoideMythos
Nice Ending! Lilly seems pretty special! XD
9/1/2012 c4 AoideMythos
Those teenagers should've been smarter than that, seriously, taking a little girl against her will?!
hmmm...what's gonna happen next?
9/1/2012 c3 AoideMythos
Possessed voice... That's a little scary!
9/1/2012 c2 AoideMythos
If only Sarah listened! The story's getting exciting!
9/1/2012 c1 AoideMythos
Cliff hanger! I need to read more!
8/18/2012 c5 26HSH
What just happened? She gets possessed and they just dismiss it and live happily ever after? That's it? That's a little odd but ok.
8/17/2012 c1 2TrixieDan123
Great story so far Queen Sea!
8/14/2012 c4 26HSH
Can you describe the possessed voice? Because saying possessed voice isn't very descriptive. It can mean almost anything.
8/14/2012 c3 HSH
Nice twist. I was expecting it to just be another kidnapping and I'm glad it wasn't to.
8/11/2012 c1 Skylar Owens
I Love it! What will happen? Who has the gun?! My o my I'm on the end
Of My seat!
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