Just In
for Ever After

9/27/2014 c11 8Legadema
I'm sorry it took me a while to review :(

I really want to know what happens next. This is a really good story.
5/9/2014 c1 Nikki Oly
Different take on an old cliche! Makes it uncliche! I love this! Into the next chapter!
3/12/2014 c11 1leavesfallingup
Truthfully, she deserved that at least a little. No matter how bad the other person behaves, it doesn't help to surrender your own dignity as a response. Better to give a cold shoulder or icy politeness than to cuss at another person and descend to their level.

It's been so long since I started reading this that I may need to go back and refresh, but didn't he act like a jerk first? Or is her reaction to him chemistry: some part of her finds him attractive and therefore his attitude stymies her usual good nature?
3/9/2014 c11 2renegade01
Ouch they're as bad as each other. Can't wait to see how this trip plays out. Good luck with your exams! ;-)
3/6/2014 c10 2keelykelly
You're a very good writer!
Your style is just so smooth and easy to follow.
Keep up the writing! It's SUPER good!
1/18/2014 c10 Jadeisnotonfire
1/11/2014 c1 3joonmonjagi
Oh I like this. She's very supportive of her mom. Cool twist how she slept with her boss, though :)
1/4/2014 c10 1leavesfallingup
This girl's life is a comedy routine. She would be great on a reality show because something would always happen to her. Poor girl.
1/1/2014 c2 3WritesForever
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was so sweet! *wipes tear* I noticed the All Time Low and Paramore references lol I kind of freaked out at the Paramore one lol. This was chapter was long, but sweet! Amazing!
1/1/2014 c1 WritesForever
I love this! You can really tell already that Tay and her mom are really close. It was sweet and funny at times, and I really felt bad for Tay's mom. Great job! :)
12/31/2013 c1 EKADLZBIVKelksbliaowdxvnczbk
CRIMINAL MINDS! Gotta love that show

Like it so far XD I think the way Tay's mom dropped the bomb shell was rather realistic. Since Tay didn't react immediately but took her time guessing so it's pretty good so far
12/31/2013 c1 9Purpletastic
i liked it, very surprising, but i like it :D i will be reading more of it, though. Very interesting. Haven't read a story like this before, actually.
12/30/2013 c9 10cloudy dream
Wow! This is an amazing story. I should say that you had me interested in it right from the time when i read your summary :)
I like Tay as a character so far. she is cool and sweet at the same time ;) Logan is also cool but alas...Sam has won over everyone else XD ;) :P
I am curious how this will turn out. You are an amazing author, keep writing and updating fast (hehe).
Only suggestion would be to actually start on with the story line quickly.
12/30/2013 c1 Abbey
This looks very promising, but there are a couple of mistakes. You typed, "...noticed that her she..." and "it was...and honest mistake..."
12/29/2013 c9 2renegade01
Well I'm glad Liam was friendly - although he probably wants to get friendlier hehe ;-) Logan was a bit harsh, although I think seeing Liam and Tay so close had more of an effect than he was letting on hmmm... ;-)
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