Just In
for Vertigo

10/25/2015 c4 Fan
Up up up
10/25/2015 c5 Fan
Still diligently adding reviews because i love this fic
10/25/2015 c6 Fan
What a life
10/25/2015 c7 Fan
Read some of my sober reviews from a few chapters later. I started reviewing last to beginning so it might not make sense as i get lazy
10/25/2015 c8 Fan
I'm not a good idea to make a good day today and
10/25/2015 c9 Fan
I love you so much fun and addicting but it is a great day for me
10/25/2015 c10 Fan
The fact is not to mention it in my life and my friends
10/25/2015 c11 Fan
Keep weaving your magic
10/25/2015 c12 Fan
I liked how you created ben. He was like a counterpoint to gemma's suddenly hectic life. Im like ben, just regular, and gemma's like that silent friend that apparently leads a double life taking drugs and burning houses down for her spare time.
10/25/2015 c13 Fan
10/25/2015 c14 Fan
10/25/2015 c15 Fan
Yes i am shamelessly racking up the reviews for the best fic i have read in a very long while. You deserve it
10/25/2015 c16 Fan
Keep,writing like you do!
10/25/2015 c17 Fan
Thank you for sharing your talent and imagination with us readers who live only vacariously through these breathless adventures.
10/25/2015 c18 Fan
You are a very talented weiter.
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