Just In
for I Feel You, Man

7/7/2017 c29 Estrella Grace
My goodness this is a good story
6/20/2017 c29 7blackkitties
...i really wish ud up date... sigh
10/13/2016 c29 TwoTooth
Author, next chapter please. Don't leave me hanging, I wanted to know what happen to their story; Did they end up happy or not? Please, please, please. :) :) :)
6/17/2016 c29 so good so good
I noticed it's been 3 fucking years since you last updated. Yeah I'm pissed. I hate when i get into something/read something and it just ends in the middle of the plot. This is so good and I want to see how you'll end it. At least write something explaining you lost interest. :'( I reeeeally hope you'll continue.
5/5/2015 c29 Guest
Please please please update!
The plot is so good! What's gonna happen next to micah? I cant wait your the next chapter!
9/2/2014 c29 Jane
I love Micah so freaking much. This is honestly one of the best stories I've read in a long time. Please update soon! I need some more of my lovable angsty empath!
5/24/2014 c29 Guest
I love your work. The plot line...character developement...the dialogue is just all so goood. Please continue cause I support!
12/3/2013 c29 1atomic-pocket-watch
I so wish there was more to this, even though it's been a long while since the last update. I'm not sure if you lost confidence in the story, or got a bad review, or just got bored; but I thought you should know that although this story isn't the greatest narrative ever written, I think it's pretty damn good. I would love to see an ending for Micah and Darrell, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
9/17/2013 c29 EPuppy
I hope everythin gets better youre a great writter and such a lovely mind please dont leave us we need you
9/17/2013 c28 EPuppy
Argh i just want someone to really love mic
9/17/2013 c27 EPuppy
This chapter made me giggle like crazy everyone was lookin at me sooo weird. Ew sadie
9/17/2013 c26 EPuppy
Im kinda confused but idk y
9/17/2013 c25 EPuppy
9/17/2013 c24 EPuppy
I want my darrelllllll but to lov me :3
9/17/2013 c23 EPuppy
Freakin cute! :3
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