Just In
for I Feel You, Man

8/7/2013 c29 Ash135
Such a good story hopefully you continue!
5/31/2013 c29 LieatWill
Update soon please! This is wonderful. 3
5/10/2013 c29 5ramblingrobin
God, this story is amazing! It's better than many published books I've read. The characters are so engaging. I really love it. I know you've apologized for it being long, but I don't really want it to end! I want it to be this ridiculously long epic just so I can read more. While I was reading my husband kept asking me what I was chuckling and smirking about. You have a wonderful talent. Please keep going on this story.
3/15/2013 c29 1SmileyfaceGurl
The love I feel for this story right now...It's blinding O-O
3/14/2013 c25 SmileyfaceGurl
3/12/2013 c29 3RisingTwilight
This is like seriously so good it makes me angry. Or something. But I love love love the characters (except for Leslie, fuck Leslie)((I actually like Shady though)), the plotting is engaging, the mechanics are absolutely fascinating, and it's well written. SO MUCH LOVE.
3/7/2013 c29 TheMusicIsEnough
2/4/2013 c29 2heyitsstupidme
I look forward to the end of Sadie's visit. It's really selfish that she wants to make another man jealous with Darell, but at least she doesn't actually want Darell.
I love the way Darell and Micah act towards each other and react to each other. It's really adorable. I'm curious what exactly will happen in the next chapter(s) and I look forward to more. :)
2/3/2013 c29 Breathless02
Awesome chapter as usual! I really despise Sadie!
2/2/2013 c29 4Ney13
I dislike her very much. Why do you have such awful girl characters, if you don't mind my asking? Every girl character so far, excluding the mom and grandmother, have been completely awful in one way or another
1/30/2013 c28 Guest
omg this story is amazing! please update soon! unff i want more!
1/17/2013 c28 K.T. Piffle
Wow just found this story and its amazing! Hope you update soon! :)
1/5/2013 c28 2heyitsstupidme
This story is awesome. I have read stories and books about all kinds of fantasy and supernatural and spiritual things, but that is a new thing for me. I really like your writing style and I especially liked the chapter from Darrell's POV. It wasn't easy to read because of the long blocks, but it was refreshing. I hope Darrell dumps Shady Sadie, even though they aren't really "together" for real.
I look forward to the next chapter and the wrapping up.
By the way, I like the chapter titles and the story title. :)
1/2/2013 c28 2The Waffle Bunchie
Bro if you end this soon I'm gonna cry my eyes out. Seriously the best fic on this site, it inspired a roleplay and a character of my own, and I stumbled on it because Micah is the name of a character I play in another RP. It's my favorite, and I cheer whenever there's an update for this, it's that perfect. You should do a series .
12/29/2012 c28 5IThinkIJustFoundHeaven
God, that was a great chapter. They fit together perfectly. This just proves it. Oh, and I want Micah to comfort Ryan about Sheldon. I just think that scene would be so sweet. Don't you think?
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