Just In
for I Feel You, Man

10/7/2012 c10 9CharissaKarn
wow! this just got even better! i love how well you explained it with the cards! :) ahaha please update again, soon! :D
10/5/2012 c9 CharissaKarn
awwwh! :) i like it! please update again, soon! :D
10/5/2012 c9 3OrangeJuice190
Omg. I love this story.
Update soon!
10/3/2012 c8 9CharissaKarn
Interesting... ahaha I'm enjoying this! :) please keep updating! :)
10/3/2012 c8 1violet-chi
Don't you love when a new chapter pops up right when you're reading the story? :D
I love that Micah is super adorable, and that Darrell wasn't attracted to him right off the bat. I also love how you've portrayed Micah's supernatural ability and how it affected him. What I love most, I must admit, is that you update so often! It's absolutely fantastic. You're absolutely fantastic. And wonderful. And awesome. And so is your story, so I hope you don't get bored with it any time soon! I'm very excited to read more! :)
10/1/2012 c7 Shadowofwonder47
No, no, no! No trimming allowed! I was excited by how long the chapter was, and right now this is one of my favorite stories, so a long chapter was a sweet treat. Keep up the good work!
9/29/2012 c6 9CharissaKarn
Awwwh, I knew he would figure it out! :) ahaha i'm getting a feeling that Darell is sorta like Micah.. ahaha :D please update again, really soon! I love it! :D
9/27/2012 c5 CharissaKarn
:) I think that they'll come to an understanding. :) ahaha YAY! cant wait to read more! :) please update again, really soon!
9/27/2012 c4 CharissaKarn
:D yay! Reading on! :D ahah
9/22/2012 c3 CharissaKarn
Whaa? I wanna know! :D please update again really, really, really soon! :D
9/17/2012 c1 CharissaKarn
please continue! :) i like it! i want to read more! :)
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