9/9/2013 c4 Guest
Please Don let her be the one to be all hung up on him. Let her move on a little, sleep with a guy and get him out of her system. She deserves to throw that in his face for hooking up with chel and being a dueche. Then they work out problems.
Please Don let her be the one to be all hung up on him. Let her move on a little, sleep with a guy and get him out of her system. She deserves to throw that in his face for hooking up with chel and being a dueche. Then they work out problems.
10/19/2012 c2 steph135
Hey! Its me again! I really like your writing style, its very polished and it has just enough detail to be able to picture it in your head :)
I'm really excited to see what Tyler's like and to know more about what happened. Thank you for posting this! It has become my next fictionpress read. :P
Hey! Its me again! I really like your writing style, its very polished and it has just enough detail to be able to picture it in your head :)
I'm really excited to see what Tyler's like and to know more about what happened. Thank you for posting this! It has become my next fictionpress read. :P
10/19/2012 c1 steph135
Hey! I haven't read the one before this but I'm very curious to see what happens. I really liked how you made it interesting from the start instead of making the readers wait so long for the hook. Well, time for the next chapter! :P
Hey! I haven't read the one before this but I'm very curious to see what happens. I really liked how you made it interesting from the start instead of making the readers wait so long for the hook. Well, time for the next chapter! :P
9/20/2012 c1 Emitti
wooooow :D sequel...it's so strange I'd forgotten about the story :DD Been so long :) I do hope you don't wait 2 or 3 years to update again :P But I do like what you've started so far...Not much else except waiting for an update I guess :DDD
wooooow :D sequel...it's so strange I'd forgotten about the story :DD Been so long :) I do hope you don't wait 2 or 3 years to update again :P But I do like what you've started so far...Not much else except waiting for an update I guess :DDD