Just In
for The Game of Extinction

11/5/2012 c2 2KyuubiCalvary
Good introduction to your story. Maybe a musclehead kind of guy next. :)
Just my opinion. I look forward to seeing more from you.
10/6/2012 c1 16The Shadow's Bane
Wow, this is a really cool idea! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
10/1/2012 c1 NarglesDoExist
I really like the idea of this story! I hope you finish it eventually instead of leaving it to die like SOME people.
Keep writing!
9/28/2012 c1 4AaronFlood
Very interesting concept that I hope has some deep themes implemented later on. While the exposition could have been written better, this was honestly a very well done beginning to what I hope is an original and creative story. I'll definitely keep an eye on this in the future.
9/28/2012 c1 2traveller013
Sounds like fun. I Can't wait until you start to describe the game itself. I don't know if you know the game but your summary kind of reminded me .Hack's The World.
9/27/2012 c1 10Dontbothernothing
It's amazing, and your details and character development have already begun to show in a single chapter. Good job! :)

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