Just In
for The Hole Already Filled with Weird

10/5/2018 c1 13Shailaputri
Reading it after long time..like it..
12/29/2015 c1 It's 2019
12/14/2015 c1 sonder this
I didn't even realize that I didn't know these two's names until your author's note - that's how immersed I was.

Simply beautiful! Entertaining. Funny. Cute. And different, definitely different... I don't think I've ever read a story surrounding a literal hole before. Unless it was a story about trappings. But this here - I loved their metaphorical talk. It wasn't over the top as metaphorical conversations tend to get and the literal hole just started transforming from this... hole of being stuck in this limbo of a changing 'friendship' to a hole of a different world now where this is going past friendship and into a different dimension for them. Did that make any sense? Yeah, I'll just nod for you.

Anyways, I smiled. A lot. The awkwardness between the two was very endearing. The hole truly was the perfect setting for them because who does that but these two. And a similar few others, I'm sure. Thank you for upping my standards for relationships now. Heeh, kidding. Kidding. (Kind of.)
11/3/2015 c1 somersaultkick
yey! Girls sometimes have to take the initiative. This s so cuuuuuute.
3/5/2015 c1 3RoseshadowPheonix
This such a cute one shot! I love it!
2/16/2015 c1 shortwinters219
Fucking brilliant!
10/7/2014 c1 LOL
Perfect example of a girl taking initiative when a guy is too chicken to do it on his own lol! He better be thankful she was so straightforward or he wouldn't have gotten anywhere near what he just got. I was just like, dude, confused much? haha!
7/29/2014 c1 1Iris Stone
So, yeah, this was pretty much going to be my faithful definition of perfect for the rest of my life. No kidding. I loved this. It was quirky and cute and funny and I loved reading every second of it. I hope you go on to do great things because you certainly have the talent for it. Not sure if you're still around to read this, but if you are, have a lovely day. :)
5/11/2014 c1 Kiaranaria
Hey there :)

Great work, sweety :D I love the idea.

Thank You for writing it
4/18/2014 c1 Wednesdayisnotfullofwoe
haha your writing style is just the best :)
2/15/2014 c1 M.J.kiki
Oh my god! I didn't notice they were unnamed 'till you said it!
This one-shot was incredibly awesome and funny and cute and any other good adjective that you can think about.

I don't know why but the 'rainbow of curses' made me laugh so hard, seriously I just couldn't stop!

I'm horrible at reviewing, so I really don't know what to say more that this was awesome and that if I had a fictionpress account this would totally be on my favourite list.

The characters had this funny personalities and so clever dialogues that I'm sure from now on I'm going to compare every one-shot to this, it's just... It's so good! You have this incredible writing style that's just so clever and too good to not be more popular, and I'm not just talking about this story, I'm talking about all of your other awesome stories and one-shots... Well now I'm sure I sound like a fangirl of some sorts, but you're awesome and I'm triying to make sure you know it.

I really don't know what else to say so, keep writing! And I hope to see more of your work soon.
p.s. Sorry for any grammatical errors my native language is spanish.
2/6/2014 c1 Irrelevent
I can't even begin to say how much I love this. Quirky romances - there's just no beating them. And this is one of the quirkiest romances I've ever read. Can't wait to see what else you come up with!
1/9/2014 c1 xkcbby
It's a freakin' one shot, but somehow in its weirdness, it made sense. You're really good with dialogue and laying out bits and pieces of the character's pasts and current state. I suppose an example would be the whole hand thing and why the narrator couldn't touch his hand. Love the title by the way!
12/26/2013 c1 1MileyRowling
One of the most random stories I've read on here, but I really enjoyed it!
9/17/2013 c1 75AlysonSerenaStone
I loved it! It was just the thing I was looking for to read! Your dialogue is just amazing!
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