Just In
for The Hole Already Filled with Weird

11/1/2012 c1 1loveSZbrownie
Ngaww I really loved it. It's not too long and it's quirky. I liked the idea of the literally stuck in a hole setting.
10/31/2012 c1 Canada 1
Welcome back! Glad to see you, or read your work. I have missed your writing. Thanks.
10/30/2012 c1 Guest
THIS IS AMAZING I LOVE IT AND YOU ARE SO GREAT! look at me all fangirlin' over fictionpress. :D keep it up, darling.
10/29/2012 c1 10balloonfista
hahaha, so funny and cute :)) This was full of so many awesome one-liners - the lip-balm one, the hole one (of COURSE!) and others which made me laugh out loud!

Made my day :D

10/29/2012 c1 15thenifoundfivedollars
I love how I didn’t even realize the characters were nameless until you brought it up. There really was a lot of development crammed in those 2,000 words. :)

You have a knack for making me fall in love with the people and settings you create. However, I think what makes it for me is the pairing of witty narration and effortless dialogue. ‘Hey, I'm still alive, your lip balm tastes awesome by the way’ might be my new favorite fictionpress line. Definitely had me grinning at the end, and I'm positive this is a one-shot read again and again.

And of course I’m thrilled that you’re still writing and sharing. Hope to read more soon!
10/29/2012 c1 4Astarael-11
Ooh this was so brilliant! I really do miss your writing. I don't even care if they're one shots because even your one shots are so fun to read :D

I hope your bad day wasn't too bad, I know your story definitely lifted up my spirits from stressful exam studying that I need to do which I haven't even started at all :P

Anyway, I loved the story and it was soo good to read something of yours again!
10/29/2012 c1 3K-Woodz
Wow this was just an amazing story. It is so sweet. I loved the interaction and the double meaning "I'm in a hole"!
10/28/2012 c1 4September Silver
I love this, this is both hilarious and sweet. Great grammar (I just RPd with this guy on FF who probably doesn't know what punctuation is and I feel so much better now XD)
10/27/2012 c1 Guest
Oh gosh that was so good I can't even explain it. I usually like giving constructive criticism, but I honestly couldn't find anything wrong with this fanfic. Really. Beautiful work!
10/27/2012 c1 Ngoc1231
This is a pretty interesting story haha. No lie. It's the twist of being stuck in a closet/bathroom haha. I kinda like how you brought in their history.

Loved the story!
10/27/2012 c1 3Equanimity
This was my life. Ending up with your best friend is one of the greatest feelings. You don't have to be fake, because he already knows you too well. Of course, reality is a little different, when happy-ever-after rarely happens, and risking so much just isn't worth it. But that bit of happiness is still irreplaceable. These two reminded me of my old life. :3
10/26/2012 c1 lanagon39
As always, adorable and just the right length for a quick dose of cute. Hope your day gets/got better!
10/26/2012 c1 Mimi
I've missed your stories with their witty banter and fun characters!
Loved this unamed couple- glad you're alive!
10/23/2012 c1 whiteyachts
So cute. Came here on the recommendation of the author "Love is a Ring Toss Game." Looking forward to reading some of your other stories!
10/23/2012 c1 MCM315
Hey, Jess! I miss you and your writing. This was a cute one-shot. And an interesting concept. A couple in a hole. lol. I love it. If you need to brainstorm any ideas, then feel free to e-mail me! It's great to see you're still writing, though. I'm sure an idea will come to you and stick. You have such a great imagination, that I'm sure you'll think of something :)
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