Just In
for Second Sight

1/1/2021 c38 Liane Kennedy
I hope life will bring you back to this story. Its a terrific read.
10/8/2019 c1 1BadReputations
This seems very well written so far, and i enjoy seeing both characters seperate before a meet cute
10/4/2019 c38 Guest
Hi :) This story is really good, and I'm so glad that you're still working on it because I enjoy reading it so much!
8/22/2019 c37 Guest
Agh I don’t think I’ll ever get over this book. Like seriously I’m pretty sure I’ve read this at least 5 times and I’m as enamored with it as I was the first time. I absolutely adore their dynamic and my maternal instincts go in overdrive every time I read about Ethan like legit I need an Ethan right now!
Sorry for your loss xx sending lots of love
8/17/2019 c37 shinju asuka
I surprised seeing your message. Even more surprised when finding out when i wrote the review. I reread all chapters to remind me about this story. This last chapter is really sweet! Aah... i am looking forward to finding out what would happen next! I also wish all the best for you :)
10/24/2017 c36 AlliScirp
Please post a new chapter a soon as you possibly can. I know you probably have things going on around you right now so, no rush.
8/9/2017 c36 18CreZian
I hope this story will not end like this you really have a great plot in here and I cant wait for the update
7/25/2017 c36 Wow
This has to be one of the best I've read on here. I'm surprised you don't have more reviews because this is riveting! I love all the characters you've created, and the world they live in. Please, I beg you, once you finish this story- get it published! Even as a nookbook! Because it has amazing potential and is just oh-so-sweet! I'll be awaiting the next chapter!

3/17/2017 c36 21Aurette
I'm really enjoying this story so far! I'm a bit of a sucker for the fake engagement storylines (I used to not like them, but I dunno, I guess I've definitely grown to love them).

Ken is kind of rubbing me the wrong way in the past couple chapters, though.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing where you take this story!
3/1/2017 c36 shinju asuka
Just found your story. Gosh this is such a cute story! Loove it! All of the guys seems all great. I even don't mind about Ken making move haha
Excited to reading more!
2/19/2017 c34 1leavesfallingup
Great to find chapters from your story showing up again! It sounds like life is about to become even more complicated for Nicole and Tyler. I look forward to reading more chapters
1/31/2017 c35 Metonymy
I am unbelievably happy you updated! Adore Tyler and Nicole together; they're just so cute. Still, I couldn't help but love that scene with Ken. This is one of my favourite stories on here, and I can't wait for the next chapter! (Especially since we haven't found how her father plays into everything yet)
1/2/2017 c34 crezian
this story has great potential I have just read it now knowing this has been published since 2012 I hope you can finish this one... you have got great stories to tell and I wouldn't miss to read it till the last page. thanks
1/2/2017 c34 Guest
Omg I've been waiting religiously for an update! I figured you had abandoned it but boy am I glad you didn't! Happy to hear that you're still continuing! Sending you lots of love xoxo
Ps. I am absolutely besotted with this story
1/3/2017 c1 DocteurNS
Just wanted to say, I just read the first chapter. In a few words, you capture each character and give them a personnality. It's great writing and if the rest is that good, I'm going to enjoy this.
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