Just In
for The Do-Gooder

11/12/2013 c22 NverSayNver
Yay! Fletch's back! Well he wasn't gone, but him and Lara have their face to facebconversations! I loved it and i like that Lara was able to comfort Sasika! that's so cute! I hope Lara and Fetch get together in the next chapter! Buttt that means that the story'll end, and i like this story! ! Loved it and can't wait for the next update!
11/12/2013 c22 23rd Bookworm
11/12/2013 c22 Amelia
Oh, damn! That's really all. haha

Poor Saskia. Someone needs to open a can of whoop-ass on her boyfriend, preferably Fletch. Although, I'd pay money to see Lara do it.

Anyway, keep these chapters coming, Jess! I can't wait!
11/12/2013 c22 PC
Dude, honey, Jess. I'm feeling poetic right now and you made me cry again, so you're going to have to deal with my rambling.

You started this story with a kickass female protagonist who went through hell and back, and in this chapter, it is clear to me that she has come out stronger than ever, even if the consequences for her past transgressions have finally started to catch up to her. I thought Daz was harsh, but incredibly on-character (which is a good thing, by the way). But back to Lara! AAAAAAAAH SHE SEES THE LIGHT! I cannot possibly describe to you how much I squealed over her words, "I wanted Fletch." I mean, sure, she's wanted him a whole lot of other times in the past chapters, but in a totally different context. Now the difficult part is trying to get him back, and even if you let us in on this long-awaited Lara-Fletch encounter, I'm guessing that this is only the chip off the iceberg.

Saskia surprised me the most in this chapter, but I feel that by shedding that tough girl exterior, she will have room to grow. And Livvy! That woman had awesome revelation there. Aaack I could really go on and on about how you've made me love all your characters to bits, but I have school tomorrow and I need sleep.

So yeah. Cheers to a FANTASTIC CHAPTER! :)
11/12/2013 c22 Aliza
Are you going to publish any stories after The Do Gooder on Fictionpress?
11/12/2013 c22 Nilora
I don't know why, but I like Fletchers POV most. I find myself rushing through Laras POV just to to be able to read Fletchers thoughts, so please, write more from Fletchers POV!

Thanks for sharing your stories, I can't explain how happy it makes me everytime I see an update.
11/12/2013 c22 Guest
How I love this story! I feel so bad for Saskia, but I so wonder what would have happened if she had not interrupted when she did. And I cannot wait to find out what will...
11/12/2013 c22 2auroraglider
What an awesome chapter this was. I was afraid that Fletch would not be found but he was thank goodness. Once Fletch and Lara work things out between themselves, they could be a good set of roll models for Saskia. Excellent chapter.
11/12/2013 c22 1Jevanminx
Oh Daz I've gotta give it to you for excellence this chapter.

11/12/2013 c22 ess3sandra
i love that you always keep on suprizing us readers with your writing! I had no idea that Saski would have gotten hit and that Lara would be there for her. they are actually a very nice family, saskia fletch and lara. i would like that!

great update! I'm glad lara is better, and that she is finally getting her shit together D

looking forward to see what will happened next!
11/12/2013 c22 Frozen.by.Sloth
Yeah, girl, no shit, I would have died a little and then cried a little if we hadn't seen Fletch at least for a bit here.
I want her to know what he read, and then she can hang out with whomever the hell she wants hahahaha.

Seriously. Damn.

I am tied in knots over these confrontations. I already actually completely really seriously ACTUALLY forgot about what she'd been writing about him. Goddamn. And, well, poor Saskia, and everything!

And I am late for class 'cause I decided I had some priorities in my life, and reading this was one of them.
11/12/2013 c22 9AKhwab
GREAT chapter. Thank you for updating :) This chapter was good. I am still unsure about Sass' attendance at the police station though. I want to know what Fletch was about to say before Lara interrupted him. I don't know whether to roar or clap. Roar because things aren't fine between Lara and Fletch yet or clap because Saskia is back. Daz is an asshole but he is one relatable character. Good job on this chapter. I have a favour to ask. Can you read my new story, Leap of Faith? That is if you have the time. And if you like it or any other stories of mine, can you help to spread the word? Sorry for bringing you into this.
11/12/2013 c22 Melissa
Ahhhh I should be in bed because I have work in a few hours but instead I had to read this chapter! I can't get enough, so good! And at every turn there are these moments that strike you to the core and the depth of character that you give to Lara and Fletcher (all the characters really) endear them even more.
You rock! Thanks for this story, can't wait for your next update :)
11/11/2013 c22 iCY
This chapter has to be one of my favorites thus far. I don't know why. aslfkj I wonder why Fletch just sort of... stopped talking to her during that time... no contact or anything it seems o.o...
Was Lara planning on confessing or something? it looked like she was... OMS I can't wait for the next chapter :3
Thanks for another amazing update!
11/11/2013 c22 lilah
amazing story and amazing chapter
love lara and fletch
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