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for The Funny Thing Is

3/10/2013 c2 Guest
3/10/2013 c1 Guest
Oh my gosh! I fucking want to hug you right now! This is my point exactly! Thank you for pointing this out !
3/9/2013 c19 1lilmonkey13
I couldn't even finish this chapter...sorry, but I couldn't. I don't know about your cats but mine are extremely smart. And since I'm not allergic to them I like them quite a good amount. And BTW dogs are gross. They drule, piss, and bark everywhere. So they, to me, are a major leuge piss off. Also, I don't like the idea that people can be allergic to cats but not dogs. That makes absolutely no sense to me! I get that you said that you are allergic to dogs to but still I have had so many people be like, 'I can't have a cat I'm allergic to them' and they have like nine long haired dogs. -.- That just pisses me off. But anyway good story.
3/7/2013 c1 4Wish Writer
XD I love it. This is more true then you can imagine. Cept there aren't too many fights at my school. Either that, or I'm oblivious...
3/5/2013 c35 1RedWriter9614
High school hallways. Can't wait to see ur first video:)
3/4/2013 c7 The Queen of AWKWARD27
Oh my freaking god, dont even get me STARTED on this. I grew up in New York City until about second grade. I now life in Dutchess county, aka Suburbia. Dont get me wrong, i love my home and how we were fortunate enough to live here, but if i hear ONE more person complaining about how crappy theyre phones that their parents had to literally sell their souls to buy i am going to go bomb an Abercrombie and Bitch- oh excuse me, Fitch.

And of course, I live on a road about twenty feet away from the giant development of like freaking mansions. Which means all the spoiled ass kids were on my bus. I was talking to this girl once about how I asked my parents if we could go on vacation to Puerto Rico since Im Puerto Rican and this bitch said " Oh i went there it kinda sucks. Its really boring." About Puerto Rico. Warm, Tropical, Beach Puerto Rico. I shit you not, this bitch woild rather spend her entire day buyint a new pairof Uggs to go with her Abercrombie sweatpants ($80 for a "bummy" pair) than get off her iPhone and appreciate the fact that her parents had enough money to take her nice places.
3/4/2013 c4 The Queen of AWKWARD27
Winter: Because you need some crap season to balance out the awesome of summer.
3/4/2013 c3 The Queen of AWKWARD27
So true. I like One Direction, but i swear to god if i hear what makes you beautiful one more time i am going to shoot myself. Like dear god, they have plenty of other songs to play, even one direction fans ( like me... -.-) are sick of it.
3/4/2013 c1 The Queen of AWKWARD27
Absolutely. Like about those barbie girls, seriously, honey, your tits belong INSIDE your shirt.
3/4/2013 c35 15invisiblenight
Highschool Hallways. That was just too funny!
3/4/2013 c35 ohimamarigold
Oh, oh, oh! Do public washrooms, please! :) I love that chapter.
3/4/2013 c3 ohimamarigold
Ha, ha! This chapter was very funny. I dislike boy bands, too. :( I am getting tired of walking into the store and hearing all those songs! Oh, well, I think I need to be quiet. Anger is an emotion I don't like to feel. I think you are very funny, and I hope you update, soon. :)
3/3/2013 c10 1lilmonkey13
LOL, I did break the washer but that was because I put three bed sheets, a comforter, a pillow, and three pairs of jeans into the washer at once...don't ask how i fit it all in there i still don't know. Oh, and I put like half a thing of soap in there with it so not only did it break but it also flooded the bathroom! That was most likely the scariest moments of my life...I freaking ran for my life out of that house.
3/3/2013 c7 lilmonkey13
this is a very true story.
3/3/2013 c6 lilmonkey13
Right on!
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