Just In
for The Funny Thing Is

1/5/2013 c10 Starlight606
Lmao I feel bad for you that that happened
1/4/2013 c9 Starlight606
Lmao that was hilarous! Your sister just showed up and gave your mom her christmas list ! XD
11/24/2012 c7 Starlight606
I hate girls like that too! I don't really get to have all those name brand clothes, eiether. I'm fine with that, though.
11/22/2012 c6 Starlight606
Lol your thoughts on stuff are funny
11/22/2012 c4 Ashley Ayoub
i love the snow! i wanna see it i never have before, i live in QLD Australia. the sunny state.
11/22/2012 c3 Ashley Ayoub
LOVE THIS CHAPTER! i agree with everything you have wrote in the story thing, we would probably get alone good in real life. i hate one direction and i don't give a shit about the latest gossip or who's the hottest.
11/22/2012 c2 Ashley Ayoub
yeah i used to hate valentimes day now i have a bf, but i still don't really like it with all the stupid girls going around with the teddy bears their bf go them flaunting it i mean there no reason to shove it in people place, and i don't see the big deal it's kinda just like another day.
11/17/2012 c3 1YeahBuddy
Omg I was cracking up as I read this! All this stuff is sooooo true!
11/17/2012 c1 40toto23
you really now how to wright a story

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