Just In
for A Pirate's Life For Me

12/20/2012 c3 Charlotte
Omg, I love this so much! Ohhh, you write brilliantly, ofcourse, but these characters are just so awesome, I can tell this story is going to be a great one!
12/9/2012 c3 KillaCupcakes
I love this! It's a good mix of action and romance. Aurora is a feisty heroine, which I really like, and Harry sounds like my kind of guy. I hope you update soon.
12/9/2012 c3 1I.Am.A.Country.Girl
I'm in love with this story :D
12/2/2012 c1 Charlotte
Omg Hannah how do you do this, really? This is amazing and I already love Aurora and am looking forward to what's next! Love! xxx
12/2/2012 c1 23Krystal Watters
"– there had been a chill when the Commodore had entered" - Do you mean "there was a chilly draft" when he entered? The wording is just a bit ambiguous.

I got the impression that this was all happening in the morning... so why would the Commodore be worried about noises in the middle of the day?

A good start. I was confused at why a proper young woman would turn so murderous, but there's a nice hint in the third to last paragraph, even though I do thing that the wording of it could be a little better.

And one note: there was no such thing as marital rape during this time. It was a man's right to take what he wanted from his wife, whether she liked it or not. Because of this I'm not sure that Aurora would describe her situation as "rape."

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