Just In
for The Flower And The Bee

1/7/2013 c1 11Liliot
Very cute :)
1/4/2013 c1 216ygg
Such a sweet little poem. Love it!
12/21/2012 c1 14Gunney
Very cute and clever. I can see this as a great illustrated greeting card. Hey, there's a way to get published!
12/14/2012 c1 173Little girl Big world
this is a really sweet poem! i love it. you come up with some unique topics to write about :)
12/14/2012 c1 1Tepid Waters
This is really nice. I didn't really know what to expect, but I enjoyed it in a bizarre sort of way. I liked it. I don't read a lot like this on Fictionpress, you should write more or it :)
12/14/2012 c1 4Lolitroy

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