Just In
for Love Won With One Hell Of A Fight

2/16/2018 c1 C
First of all, I really enjoyed your story. However, that is not the reason that I am commenting. I wanted to say that I absolutely love your authors notes in this chapter! I think what you are trying to do is absolutely amazing and I wanted to say thanks!
1/1/2017 c20 7DarkAngel9999
I read my own story almost 4 years later, that's crazy. My spelling has definitely improved, but it's strange to see that I wrote this when I was 15/16 and now I'm almost 20. This is also my first time visiting this site in a very long time. Anyways, it actually wasn't a bad story
3/28/2015 c20 1noda9912
That was amazing. I'm gonna start crying but seriously. That was the first story i read on this website that actually kinda hit home with me. Wow and i love the message you're giving out to people reading this
6/18/2014 c20 FlowersBite
wonderful story! Please keep up the wonderful writing!
10/12/2013 c20 5ramblingrobin
I enjoyed this story very much. Nice and angsty with a happy ending. Very good.
9/20/2013 c20 EPuppy
Love this fic! I couldnt revoew cuz ficpress didnt let me!:( but i loooove this ficcc :3 i want to know more from uuuu :)
8/17/2013 c20 2GerardtheMoose
Aw that was such a great story! I loved the characters and how you made things work!
8/6/2013 c20 1Darkness Incarnated
The ending was freaking ADORABLE! I can't stop smiling! Awesome story!
7/31/2013 c20 3CurryBunChan
oh my Goddess... i was so close to tears so many times during this story, and then squealing in happiness in the end. jeezums. i love stories like these, so beautifully written and so emotional and powerful. oh jeez, look at me gettin' all emotional. anyways, this was an amazing story, you're an awesome writer
7/22/2013 c20 smashthat
Fran-FREAKING-tastic! Thats all I can say.
7/20/2013 c2 1macy8
this is great
7/20/2013 c20 10Sae Ayameko
This is very well done. It's always sad to end a story, but I promise I finished reading it with one giant smile. Great job.
7/20/2013 c20 4Angel Hertz
Myaaaa Adorable! I wuuuuvvv it!
7/19/2013 c17 7Redrosey18
Awwwww, cute chapter. Can't wait for more
7/19/2013 c16 Redrosey18
Good chapter, can't wait for more
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