Just In
for Star's Destiny

7/12/2019 c31 Chimel321
I thought you forgot about this story , what a pleasant surprise! Thanks so much. Your writing is a blessing
10/8/2018 c30 omgomgomg

Ugh! The cliffhanger, omg

Can't wait for the next update
9/16/2017 c30 FamishedNight
Can't wait to read what happens next _
10/27/2016 c30 InsanityAndBeyond
:) :)

Hope you find the time/inspiration etc to post again soon!
8/3/2016 c30 4Amordeyn
This is an amazing story! I wish there was more to read, seeing as you seem to have gotten to a semi-important part of the plot.

Overall, really well written!
6/3/2016 c30 The scribe3
I thought the story was winding down. I'm so pleased to see that the action is still going!
5/15/2016 c29 Krlsen
5/12/2016 c29 The Scribe3
Poor Derek. I am loving this story!
3/29/2016 c28 14Tonberry Surprise
I'm totally in love with this story. Read it all in one go and now I just want another 20 chapters right away :p

Your world building is just magnificent, and I loved the gradual build-up of the monster reveal. I hope you're still working on the story and honestly, you deserve many, many reviews :)
10/30/2015 c28 aynaarah
..no more chapters.. not now!.. hmm.. I have to wait..

so much action.. many things on the verge of going right or wrong and right at the limit.. but bittersweet.. with coming back from the dead... more then once..
I rather like the transition from the previous chapter to this one, the idea of continuing from where you have left..
You've brought some things to a closure somewhere along the way.. like Asher.. so you will not be crowded with end stories right at the big final..
In my opinion you would have to award more or less attention to certain characters.. ..I don't know if you have the space to divert the attention and your readers attachment to some of them..
You are dropping some hints.. am I looking forward to a pregnancy?.. don't answer..

Overall, I had the clear intention of going for the next chapter.. so I look patiently for what's coming up next..
10/10/2015 c28 koyama
well, thats definitly an interessting deverlopement. but zyobi has more luck than brainpower. or what'll you say? is this disgustion guy dead or at least in costudy? i mean zyobis ex finance or ex possible mate (whatever). i cannot stand him. for his selfish reasons to deceive your own people.

cu koyama
p.s. i hope the next chapter comes soon *hinthinthint* *lookinglikeanpleadingangel*
8/31/2015 c27 The Scribe4
OMG! Z can't catch a break!
8/25/2015 c26 koyama
okay, now i'm crying and i'm not so sure if it's because i'm happy that zyobi may be alive or because he is more dead than alive.

and one question (that i ask myself since i was reading that chapter): is zyobi the only one left? as far as i understand is the ship with his sibilings more or less destroyed and the sistership was allready destroyed only some time earlier.

is this story more or less complete or not?

cu koyama
8/23/2015 c26 The Scribe4
Oh my God! So good! What a great story!
8/16/2015 c25 The Scribe4
Holy sh*t! I stayed up all night reading this. I must know what happens next. I'm a huge fam of m/m sci fi and this is one of the best I've read. This should be published. Great stuff.
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