Just In
for The Corsair's Crown

9/18/2017 c8 spoonring
This story is so amazing! Wow.
9/18/2017 c7 spoonring
God no to the marriage. Praying the pirates will accord.
9/18/2017 c6 spoonring
Amazing! I love everything!
9/18/2017 c5 spoonring
Wow, great story telling! Just wow. Like the universe you've built is just phenomenal and vast and unique! So crafty!
9/18/2017 c4 spoonring
I'm totally on board with my favorite characters busting out of that shitty camp! Bugger that soldier who keeps taking his cane. I adore kore! Someone did quite a number on her self esteem and opionion of women.
Love the bag necklace.
So funny and sad how awkward paraz and Cale have gotten around each other...
9/18/2017 c3 spoonring
I'm glad it went but omg im gonna kill those 2! They suck at talking! About anything. About everything! god!
9/18/2017 c2 spoonring
Kores great! Oh man I would love for Cale to rescue paraza.
9/18/2017 c1 spoonring
I'm gushing! I love your characters!
7/13/2017 c10 Guest
I would love to see the next chapter! The world you have created is amazing. I've reread the stories featuring Calentine a few times this summer. Consider publishing some of your writing, especially if it is set in this particular universe.
2/28/2017 c10 Guest
this story is just too beautiful to be abandoned!
6/24/2016 c10 DNight
Plz plz continue
6/7/2016 c10 ajashire1
So you seem to have either done away with your internet presence or died. After seeing that you have not updated in years or even been on your livejournal, I cannot bring myself to think otherwise.

I don't believe I will be able to read this story knowing that it is unfinished the way it is. You've been sent countless pleas to return to this, and seeing how that hasn't worked I won't ask that of you. I'll just say that if you're really not dead I hope that you're happy and at peace wherever you are nonetheless.
It was fun while it lasted dear. :)
I thank you for your brilliant stories and mind.

2/12/2016 c10 Guest
I absolutely adore this series. And as a dude with super picky standards, that's saying a lot. I've re-read it pretty much every year since you've gone inactive, and scoured the internet for any activity from you.

I hope you one day find it back in you to finish this glorious story of awkward but perfect love. You've built such an interesting world that most commercial authors couldn't hope to match, and seeing it languish in inactivity is painful.
2/8/2016 c10 Guest
Reread this after about a year or two. Loved it just as much. Also just as depressed to see it's probably dead.

I love the world and setting you created. And as others have mentioned, that aforementioned setting involves the best execution of the idea of soul mates I've ever seen.

I'll just have to imagine Paraz/Alim/Cale threesomes on my own, and pray this book gets taken up once more in the future.
10/6/2015 c10 Kamryn
Man, the Sailor's General Superior has to be one of my favorite books, bar none, and the sequel looks like it's shaping up to be even better. Your characters are amazing. I honestly adore Calentine, he's just so practical and honest and kind, it's impossible not to like him. Asotegi is the awkward, badass, emotionally stunted general of my heart. I love Ja Alim more and more, and your female characters are so amazing! Jara is irrepressible, Kore is really quite extraordinarily clever under her wariness, and Queen Tzesa is a personal role model. I find that in most m/m stories, girls are either nonexistent or very minor characters, but you deftly avoided that here.

Also, this is one of the best executions of the soulmate plot I've ever seen. Usually that plot makes me roll my eyes because they're *destined* for each other, so they're madly in love with each other at first sight, anything that either does badly is brushed aside because *soulmates*, and there is no real conflict or relationship. Instead, you managed to make this a relationship that both of them have to work on, so they can grow together. Their relationship is lovely, and I adore it.

It's a real shame this story appears to be dead, but I guess there's no help for it. Ah, well. It was great while it lasted!
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