Just In
for The Corsair's Crown

12/27/2013 c10 Addiena Saffir
Oh wow I'm so glad that you have this story up I loved it and the prequel immensely. Since there is no more chapters for this I'm going to go read the other version of part 2. Looking forward to the upcoming updates.
11/4/2013 c10 LiveLoveRead95
I love this story SO MUCH!. Please update soon I am simply addicted.
10/24/2013 c10 enkidu
Ok, so I just read this and the first story in a day, and I really loved it! The characters are all awesome and I'm enjoying your storytelling style. This is definitely getting bookmarked.
9/25/2013 c10 5eternallily
I love this story! I was wondering though, can there be an interlude where you show what happened with Ja Alim? I'm interested in finding out how he managed to get an "audience" with the one person who he said would never bother with him. Either way can't wait to read more. :)
9/23/2013 c10 c4rlie
Type your review for this chapter here...
9/15/2013 c10 Feolkieer
Please please pleasepleasepleeeeeeaaaase update this! Oh man I got so caught up in your story! It's amazing!
9/1/2013 c7 somequirkymusings
Hi there! Thank you so much for writing something so wonderful. I adore this series and also your other work, Intrigue at the Crown Jewel. I definitely enjoy this re-worked version of The Corsair's Crown- it's smooth and less choppy and the plot more nicely connected and executed! So much more cleanly and cleverly done :) Thanks again, and I look forward to updates.
7/17/2013 c10 1Vallucast
Dear Iceramyst,
I have to say that while I'm not usually very detailed at my review, I wish that you glad to receive it nonetheless.

I don't remember about Kore from the 'old and unedited version' of Corsair's Crown. And I think that's as interesting point that someone else get to be smart, other than the main protagonist. So Calentine got his mind all muddy about his General and none pay mind at all. Teehee

Her appearance rather unexpected but welcomed also. I don't know how much of work it is to edit the rest but I wish it will be soon before you finish the story.
Wish you all the good luck and peace of mind.
Your not so devoted reviewer,
7/16/2013 c1 1BlaseBlanco
This is such a compelling story and I love all the characters and their relationships with each other. A great read.
7/12/2013 c10 christmasbaby01
I have just finished reading this and the first two parts. I must say I enjoy it greatly. It is written very well. I hope you update soon.
7/1/2013 c10 midnight41
I am finally, FINALLY all caught up with this story. It's taken me a long time but it is done! I can't wait for the next chapter!
6/28/2013 c10 chibikodo
:) I love this motley crew who are trying to win this never ending war. Will we get Ferrax's pov anytime soon?
6/20/2013 c10 lostlamb
6/17/2013 c10 3Luriel
Wow, the story is certainly rather different from the previous version of it.
I think i like how you showed us more of thee other characters this time round, and Kore us brilliant and haha, getting under Alims skin seems to be something Cale will take full advantage of - of course while being nice
Cant wait ffoe more!
6/11/2013 c2 blackouzel
My review for this chapter was so long, I have to email it to you. For other fans reading this: I loved it. You should read this too. Yay!
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