Just In
for The Quarterback Dilemma

1/25/2014 c1 2Cyanna Grace
Fowl should be foul (fowl hen, foul bad/nasty). I love this story, it made me laugh and it flows really well. It's fluffy and cute but the emotions are all real and tangible and believable.
1/16/2014 c1 sekai
One of the most cutest oneshot I've read!
1/7/2014 c1 alice.d.soler.21
So cute! I enjoyed this very much!
10/27/2013 c1 bbnt
That was a really cute one shot .
10/26/2013 c1 2renegade01
I just realised we still don't know his name! Sneakily done ;-)
9/26/2013 c1 69Shadowswept
This was a perfect short story! I love your style of writing. You kept a consistent tone through the entire piece, which is not easy to do. Emily was a completely realized character, and that doesn't always happen even in a novel. She absolutely came alive on the page for me. This story was funny and sexy. I enjoyed it very much.
5/4/2013 c1 MaharaniMoony
Haha this is great :D
4/21/2013 c1 3Nouveaux
I came upon this story from one of your others and I have to say I really like your first-person narrative! The sarcastic, teenage tone was captured perfectly and there was just something so interesting about the story.
3/9/2013 c1 Joesette
A sucker fallen in love has no limits to surprising others.
2/24/2013 c1 LadeeDee
I really like how you formatted this story!
2/16/2013 c1 gigi
I've read your pirate story already and I have to say that this is even better:)
It has some nice humor without feeling forced :)
2/15/2013 c1 11champagne kisses
A very refreshing read. Thanks for sharing this.
2/6/2013 c1 Guest
Awee, I really enjoyed your short story. It was the perfect length, though I do wish there was more detail ] . But overall it was really refreshing and you have great potential of becoming a brillant writer. Thank you )
1/30/2013 c1 bridgettecouture
AWWWW I so loved this.
1/27/2013 c1 Nadia
This was terrific! It was funny and had a happy surprise at the end.
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