Just In
for Prized Possessions

10/19/2015 c1 3BFangz
Love is tough.
Rejection tougher.
Live can really suck.
4/27/2013 c9 2Kenshin Kojima
Congratulations on completing this story. I am glad to see a happy ending for each couple.
4/11/2013 c8 Kenshin Kojima
Wow, this another good chapter. I cannot wait to read the final chapter. Good luck on it.
4/10/2013 c8 h earthserpent
:D awesome chapter. can't wait for the next one. :)
3/31/2013 c7 Yumko Yummy
:D that was so lovely keep it up.
3/31/2013 c7 Kenshin Kojima
Wow. I know it must've been tough for Margret to give away Peter. But, it's good to see them moving on. Interested to see how these new romances will go. Can't wait to read the next one.
3/27/2013 c6 h earthserpent
:D oh god damn that was awesome! hurry and post the next one. :)
3/27/2013 c6 Kenshin Kojima
Funny chapter. It's nice to see Hilda and Margret's relationship beginning to bloom. It also seems like another romance could be blossoming soon. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
3/26/2013 c5 Kenshin Kojima
Good to see another chapter from you. It was sad to see Hilda like this. But it was also funny to see Margret doing her best to resist the temptation of having her way with a drunk Hilda. Still, I hope to see Hilda as her usual self soon. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
3/14/2013 c4 Kenshin Kojima
I am liking how this story is going. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
3/14/2013 c4 earthserpent
:l uh...ok...bring on the next one.
3/7/2013 c3 Kenshin Kojima
I like you story so far. Please continue it.
3/6/2013 c3 earthserpent
:l huh alright, good chapter. please update again sooooooooon.
2/25/2013 c2 earthserpent
:l eh this chapter was ok. :) bring on the next one.
2/25/2013 c1 MeowGoesTheCow
Sh-ron i actually really like this one over your others xD (Sorry ;;;) i think its really cute and also i hadnt logged in when you posted this story so my comment didnt show up and i realized that i guess it doesnt show posts from non-legit accounts. so i remembered my account and logged in to comment again xD
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