Just In
for Green Tea Flavoured Ice Cream

8/15/2019 c1 Jorja
This is so darn adorable!
1/21/2016 c1 annayh44
lol...one plus one - two...god thats was unique way trying to confess...i so much love it..
12/5/2015 c1 TariSharma9
Wow. Just...wow.
3 this story;)
10/19/2015 c1 somersaultkick
Ahhh so cute!
8/31/2015 c1 Guest
Loved it!
11/15/2014 c1 8DenimKitty
Cuteeeee :D
7/6/2014 c1 75AlysonSerenaStone
Aww..that was really cute! I'm a sucker for a cute, happy one shot!
3/16/2014 c1 Guest
I usually like the bad boy stuff but
awwwwwwww. I LOVED jason
it was refreshing
ugh I wish guys like him actually existed!
3/14/2014 c1 Pinky
Awwwww, so cute.
2/21/2014 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
Aw, I really, really loved this one-shot! It's so cute :D Great job :D
2/8/2014 c1 4carifoo2001
Omg omg omg so freaking adorable! *faints from adorableness*
6/10/2013 c1 2moonrice
this is so adorable, i swear :)
4/7/2013 c1 3ZeeZe101
That was cute!
Jason seems a little feminine, but I'm sure he's probably one of those teddy-bear-at-hearts.
I'd have loved a description of Jason.
4/6/2013 c1 4Lolitroy
The characters are so sweet! Especially Jason. They match perfectly! Nice story :)
4/6/2013 c1 Parker. Lily Parker
This is the cutest thing EVER! EHMEGRED! Jason is such a cute little dork that the whole way through I had this foolish smile on my face (my sister thinks I'm completely idiotic now :P).
Seriously this line "she was eating the ice cream that I had scooped for her!" just killed me and made me AWWWW for so long that my brother in the next room came to check on me, completely sure that I was dying to be making such weird groaning noises :P.
I LOVED LOVED LOVED this and now I'm going to always be on the look out for green tea flavored ice cream :)

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