Just In
for Living For the Call

10/28/2022 c16 Guest
Can’t believe you’re back! Love this story and can’t wait to see where it goes!
9/4/2022 c16 Guest
I cannot believe I only saw the notification to this now! I’m so happy you’re back and with an awesome update!

It’s so sweet that James finally opened up, I was worried he’d make a mess of things like Colton if he didn’t make an effort.

Speaking of, finally those two are back together. Took them long enough. I love it. It’s such a Colton and Tenley thing to have such heartfelt conversations before finally giving in. Nick never stood a chance.
8/31/2022 c16 mimster259
Thank you for another great chapter! It’s great to finally see Tenley give Colton another chance to show he’s invested in improving their relationship. Hopefully he doesn’t screw it up again, maybe he’ll figure out what made him pull away in the first place…Also, love Raine always, and her relationship with James is so cute, can’t wait to see them get their vacation. And her relationship with Tenley! I’ve missed this
8/24/2022 c15 mimster259
Ahhhhhh! Yay! So happy you updated again! And picking right bacj up with the Tenley/Colton drama that’s so addicting. Thank you for continuing this even if it’s been years! Can’t wait to see where it goes now!
8/12/2022 c15 SierraF17
Aww yay I’m so happy that Ten has finally gotten rid of Nick so hopefully now her and Colton can work on repairing their marriage! I’m also really liking Raine and James together and their interactions
8/11/2022 c15 CoConutella
Omg I’m loving this story! Unexpectedly hot and exciting and now I am begging for my very own James I can’t wait for more!
7/27/2022 c14 CherryBomb337
Please update I'm dying too know what happens to Ten & Colton :)
7/3/2022 c14 Guest
Really wish you would update the story. Would love to find out what happens to Ten & Colton :)
2/6/2019 c14 1This.Ink
Im sad that you haven’t updated in three years. Looking forward to reading the rest of this story. Hope all is well.
12/31/2018 c14 2Rae-07
:( I’ve really enjoyed the series so far and and hated to see you haven’t updated in like 6 years.
2/8/2018 c14 Tencolt
Sad that Tenley is always crying in this story. Please update :(.
2/3/2018 c1 Guest
Really enjoyed the older interaction between Colton and Tenley - hope you finished this and show them getting back together.
8/21/2017 c14 Chelsea
Im not sure if youre still writing, but its only been 2 years so im going to hope you are, amd that you'll come back soon and update!
2/22/2017 c14 Guest
Omg I love Colton & tenley! They are otp forever so please update sometime at least so they can get back together! Hope all is well:)))
1/8/2017 c14 Guest
I'm still sitting here almost 2 years after the last time you updated this hoping you will find it in you to finish this story. I miss this wonderful group of characters and this world you e created. Also I hope you're ok, it always worries me when writers just disappear.
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