Just In
for Healing Scars

9/19/2021 c24 Guest
Not sure if you still even check this account. But I tried finding you on whattpad and had no luck. Are you still on there?
4/2/2018 c24 Guest
12/3/2016 c23 Sara
Please wrap up the story, I'm dying to know how it ends.
8/29/2015 c23 OscarJLaw
8/19/2015 c2 6Angel Princess 31
I think I like Scarlet :) :)
8/19/2015 c1 Angel Princess 31
Cool story so far :)
3/18/2015 c23 Guest
I would love to see how this story ends. Hope you update someday!
1/12/2015 c23 Guest
I read this whole story in a day, I wish you'd continue it. it's very good.
1/8/2015 c23 Miss This Story
I miss this story so much! Super bummed you stopped writing it BC it was seriously one of the best on the site! But thanks for all the awesome chapters you did give us! I will use my imagination to dream how Scar & Linc would have ended up!
1/6/2015 c23 SierraF17
I constantly come back to this story and re-read it lol. I have an obsession with this book seriously though I hope everything is ok with you. I hope you do make a great comeback when you decide to come back to this book!
10/12/2014 c23 sunny
this was such an amazing gem of a story. i hope u come back to it someday
9/13/2014 c23 Johanna
Hey ! I just finished to read your story and this is the best one I ever read, I'm serious ! I hope you will keep writing because I am so frustrating to not know what is going on between Lincoln and Scarlet, they seem to be so in love with each other but they don't want to admit it. I can't wait to see if they are going to open their heart and if Scarlet and Fisher's relationship is going to get better...
Anyway, just come back please !
Love from France.
8/15/2014 c23 brash73
I reread this whole story today! As I have always said, this story is purely spectacular :) I cannot wait for the next update!
7/30/2014 c23 Guest
So good to read!
6/22/2014 c23 Annie
Where r u? I love this story PLZ post more! Live Annie
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