Just In
for Bubble Tea Love

2/22/2014 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
Haha, this was cute :-) I loved it :D Great story!
2/21/2014 c1 DragonOwl
OH My! A oneshot about one of my favourite drinks! I love it! Who could actually not like bubble tea anyway!?
8/7/2013 c1 DragonOfSnow987
This is such a fuuny fic- I love their first conversation about betraying milkshakes :)
6/12/2013 c1 40Lady Seratopia
God this si beautiful! Kept me hooked the whole story!
5/19/2013 c1 22AFractionOfMySoul
AAAAAAH! this story is illegal! it's so cute.
5/17/2013 c1 37A. E. Farrenn
Teeheehee! Omigosh! I loved it! look what you've done, i'm fan-girling...
Bubble tea and a cute boy. . . sigh. . .my mouth is watering _
But I kept picturing T.O.P from BIGBANG as Nate? haha
5/1/2013 c1 3peacelovejay
AHHH this is so cute and perfect I can hardly stand it! Plus I'm also completely obsessed with bubble tea (just had one today!) so I can totally relate :)

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