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10/18/2020 c22 zagato
This is wonderful, thank you!
9/18/2020 c20 chastityjk
Please tell me there will be more soon!
6/18/2020 c20 Guest
I can't wait for the next chapter!
6/18/2020 c10 Guest
I had a vision of Quinton returning to his bedroom and making some silly, happy dance after his progress with Nora
6/17/2020 c1 Guest
OMG! Thank you; there is a sequel!
5/15/2020 c20 zagato
This is wonderful thank you
5/14/2020 c19 annabanana1994
I'm sorry but where is it implied that Quinton actually knew about this from the beginning? I mean, where, in this chapter, is it said that Quinton knew about her becoming a werewolf from the beginning? He might have known, no doubt; but Nora shouldn't have known that he knew because it was never stated... that was very confusing...
11/25/2019 c10 5fuzzipueo
Still wouldn't trust Quinton, even if he stayed on his knees, begging for something he doesn't deserve.
10/5/2019 c7 CatsCradle22
I’m curious to see how this goes. I don’t feel like Quinton learned anything from his behavior. Nothing he does feels genuine. He seems like a child that will act like an angel to get his way but once you give him what he wants he turns back into the devil he truly is. And I’m worried for Nora. I don’t want her to give in so easily. But like I said, I’m curious to see how this goes.
8/10/2019 c5 zagato
This is great, thank you!
6/12/2019 c3 Acie
Hey, That last sentence "He turned from the was going to need that drink." Seems a bit grammatically impaired. Other than that, keep up the good work
6/8/2019 c2 Acie
You're back! Wow I've missed Quinton and Nora
4/28/2019 c1 Guest
Hi, hope all is well. Would be great if you have the time to continue Nora's story.
1/8/2019 c1 zagato
This is so sad, kindly update, thank you!
10/21/2018 c1 yesss
will you be continuing this one i really hope so!
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