Just In
for The Prisoner

2/21/2017 c2 addii
This looks absolutely promising! :) looking forward for more
12/17/2014 c2 8WithinAMind
No, really, I am ready to beg for more- it's so awesome
9/12/2014 c2 KKincer
I have read this short a dozen or more times hoping, wishing and even praying for more. Please reconsider adding more. If you are set on it being done just as is then so be it. I appreciate the good work regardless.
1/9/2014 c2 notion potion
U should add more to the story. like what happens next?
8/6/2013 c2 4GrangerDanger333
Not crappy! It's twisted and hauntingly good, so thanks for writing :)
7/12/2013 c1 6TheChosenDhova
So very exciting! You're a really good writter :) I enjoyed this two shot a lot hun! And maybe you can update further, ne? ;) thanks for the story, it was cute :) -yes, I am a little messed up
7/1/2013 c2 spcecse7
I think u should pick it up again ; )
5/29/2013 c2 Aku no musume
Some of the hottest smut I've read! ;) I hope you decide to continue this! It didn't feel like an ending to me. :( I want to see more of Lewis becoming Kale's pet/slave and getting broken (but it's hot when he resists! ;D). Now I'm just imagining Kale forcing him to walk for miles after all that as they look for civilization! -nosebleed- You're an awesome writer, so I hope you write more! )
5/29/2013 c2 InsanityAndBeyond
id love for you to continue this. im already invested in the characters, i think itd make for a great full length story, angst and dealing with circumstances with eventual happy ending between the two characters etc.
5/23/2013 c1 Guest
i am waiting for the end
5/19/2013 c1 Guest
5/15/2013 c1 Aku no musume
Pretty good so far! Lookig forward to the next chapter! :D
5/13/2013 c1 Guest

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