Just In
for Tumours Make The Heart Grow Fonder

9/18/2019 c1 13JDFly
Good start, very funny, I like your character. I'll stick with this story unless it gets too mushy later on.
I just read your entire story in one day! I absolutely loved it.
I loved it so much that I feel bad for not having commented on every chapter because you deserve so many more comments/reviews!

I just love everything about it- the characters, the sub-storylines that support the main storyline, the way Jaye and Clyde show affection toward one another.

A HUGE thumbs up, I'm so blown away at not just your ability to simply complete a story (I can barely complete a one-shot and have yet to post any) but to do it SO well. THANK you for this, I had a great heart-beating romantic-feeling day.
2/7/2018 c29 Guest
Very very beautiful
12/25/2016 c1 CakeAndUnicorn
This is one of the most wonderful stories ever! I'm overwhelmed with happy mushy feelings. *sigh*
Thank you for such an amazing story!
12/25/2016 c29 Cakeandunicorn
One of the most wonderful stories ever! I'm overwhelmed with happy mushy feelings!
Thank you.
12/21/2016 c29 Chaos-Mode
OMG THIS IS THE SWEESTEST ENDING EVER! This stor deserves wayyy more reviews...its amazing! I love the main characters quirky humour and wit and the dialogue was quite different and unique from other stories on this site which i really appreciated. Working in the medical field i hope i find my Clyde or Eli soon heheheh
3/27/2016 c29 xoxo12
It's only my 3rd week on FictionPress and I am glad to have encountered your story. This is such an interesting story as well as an entertaining one.

Hoping to read more from you though. I'd like to say that this story is sort of underrated and I wish that more readers would appreciate these kinds of stories. There are a few grammatical / spelling errors here and there but nothing too glaring to keep me away from reading this wonderful piece. :D

Keep up the good work and see you around! :)
2/23/2016 c29 1Du
This was amazing. So beautiful. The way you conveyed emotion was just. Wow. Your writing is brilliant. This story is seriously underrated, it should be right at the top of fictionpress. I loved how you took such a realistic story and managed to include humour into all the drama (some conversations were just hilarious). I wasn't expecting that twist at the end, I fet a void inside me when the accident happened... But it was beautiful nontheless, and the ending was so sweet, so perfect for the story.
I loved the plotline. It was very real. I am two months away from finishing my Medicine degree, and I plan on becoming a haematologist (I'm not sure about the UK, but here in Spain haematological cancers are followed and treated by haematologists, not oncologists), maybe even specialising in paediatrics. I can only guess you're a physician? That, or Medicine is one of your hobbies... You portrayed so well most of what goes on in an Oncology ward, and managed to merge it perfectly with developing your characters. It really was brilliant.
Thank you for such a unique story. It is definitely one of my favourites on this site. Bestest of wishes! :)
11/26/2015 c29 Bookloverforever
Hey there, I just have to tell you that you have an amazing talent and are amazing at writing. Don't stop writing ever!
8/4/2015 c29 Guest
Amazing story!
7/18/2015 c29 Fawn
You are a spectacular writer! This story was simply amazing and I enjoyed every bit of it. Continue to be sensational.
6/16/2015 c29 2PopMyCherry
This story was amazing. It was just beautiful and I have to admit I teared up a little bit during the dream after the accident. Good work!
6/7/2015 c29 70BradytheJust
Well I am a sucker for romantic stories and this one was no exception. Every chapter had me hooked and everything was very well done, so thanks for sharing an epic story and keep on writing!
5/14/2015 c29 Kit
I'm so glad I came across this story today. I rarely visit this site anymore, but a couple of clicks landed me here and it's the best decision I've made in a long time. It was such a beautiful story - the humour caught me right off the bat, a wry sort that lay low and was better off because it, but the realistic nature of the characters and way life goes had my heart in my throat the whole time. The accident in the last couple of chapters had the story go a way I didn't expect, but just like everything else, was handled so maturely. Couldn't believe it when I read this AN - you've only just started university? The way you write, the way you simply /understand/ what you've written, I would've expected someone ten years older. Thanks so much for this, and it's awesome to know I've found someone who's still updating on this site regularly!
5/12/2015 c29 xxSongBirdxx
aw soo cute. Clyde is going to be a excellent Husband aswell as a Father so happy for both and really sad to see them go
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