Just In
for A New Nation

1/10/2015 c11 9katayoku.no.tori
They are really having some terrible times together. But, at least they're together T.T just without Carter, and all the other characters I adore. Still though, you're a master at these endings! This one's the best one I've read all night, so far anyways. But, I think that I can't quite answer the Author's Note anymore XD Well, guess I'll see the most popular vote by the end of chapter 12.
1/10/2015 c10 katayoku.no.tori
I was so happy to see Carter alive and well, then you made the stupid tanks come along and blast the fortress to bits. T.T And now they're kidnapped, and I probably won't see Carter again for a long time, unless he was kidnapped too! D': Whaaa, why do you do this to your readers? Must read on!
1/10/2015 c9 katayoku.no.tori
You know, everything came back to me pretty fast after I reviewed chapter 1 and chapter 8, and chapter 9 made perfect sense! But wow, has it really been a year since I last read this story? Wow, I've been lacking on FP for a while now, haha.

So glad I picked this back up! It's so funny and cute, yet so scary and dire at the same time. It's awesome how they both speak to their consciences. It certainly helps lift the mood, and it makes the story so fast paced and wonderful. Can't believe I haven't continued further with this story! Going to read more!
2/14/2014 c8 katayoku.no.tori
Such a tense chapter! You're really kicking things up a notch, aren't you? All the while being worried about Carter, you've made me concerned about the fate of the entire nation! It's incredible how things have gotten so dire, so quickly, and at the same time it is so beautifully written. I'm curious to see how the strike the UN is planning, and how this world war III is going to turn out. From what it seems, with so few people left, taking such a rash action into their hands might be their last hope.

This chapter was incredible, and I can't wait to read more!
1/13/2014 c7 katayoku.no.tori
I don't even know what to comment right now! Gah, my comments have been so pathetic recently... Completely forgot how to give a good comment on a story. Ah well, at least you know I'm enjoying it :P

Poor Allen. He doesn't seem to know what to do with himself. He's been away from friends for so long that he's talking to himself, and that doesn't seem to be the greatest when it comes to mental health.

Carter better be okay! You're going to be a lair if he dies! .
1/13/2014 c6 katayoku.no.tori
Aww, Allen is so sweet. :3 I love his inner voice, haha. Really gives this story something to laugh about!

So glad Carter is still alive. He's pretty awesome, and he has definitely beaten Rhy and Keenan by now. Though, I'm still worried about Keenan and how he's doing! Along with Jamison and co. Ah, you have to give us some hints! Please?

Can't wait for more time to read the next chapters!
1/13/2014 c4 katayoku.no.tori
I was planning on waiting until I got a few chapters read before I commented, but Allen's POV was just amazing XDD Just... Just hilarious.

No! Carter!

Ahhh! I have to read on!
1/7/2014 c3 katayoku.no.tori
Just had to read more! And Carter might actually beat Rhy and Keenan in the competition of who's my favorite character 0.o and just because of this line:

"I like it better when I'm invisible and the only way my victims know I'm there is when their brains splatter all over and make a mess."

I'm a sick person, aren't I? Hehehe. Might just memorize that line. . . just like some of the other lines/pages/chapters from books that I've read.

Literally shouted "YES!" when Carter took down the Korean. You're too good at making everything so easy to get into.

So, Akeera and Carter don't want to have a third person right now. But what about when Allen gets there? Hm... I wonder if Akeera will change her mind. (By the way, the part where Allen reacted to Akeera being on a team with another guy was funny. Haha, he loooves her XDD)

Ahg, remind me the next time I read this not to listen to music that has ticking noises in it. '
1/7/2014 c2 katayoku.no.tori
Woah, woah, wait. I've read this chapter, and yet I haven't posted a review yet!? I swear I did! Makes no sense... Well, here's that review you've been waiting for!

It's nice to see that Allen is succeeding in his attempt to find Akeera! That's nice to know! He's very loyal, and I can only dream of ever having a friend like him.

And you must let Carter live! But of course, I'm too late to have any say in this... *pouts* Well, I hope he's still alive. But for some reason I doubt that. You're such an evil author! Killing off all the good characters! Er... I guess you've only killed off one of the good ones... Well, Keenan better still be alive. One of them has to live! Please!? (You aren't evil. I do the same things :P)

Gonna read the next chapter! Of course.
12/20/2013 c1 katayoku.no.tori
Finally onto the second book! :D I almost wanted to make a pun off of the chapter title, but decided against it, haha. Well, now I'm gonna read!

I love how you get right into the action at the start of the story! With the first sentence, even. Gah, it looks like she is going to have a lot of trouble ahead of her. And wow, when you told me Carter was hard to miss, you were right! He's already mentioned in the third paragraph XD Though, the first conversation between Carter and her is a little confusing.

Oh! Akeera's younger than I thought she was! Some reason I thought she was twenty something, but I guess she's not... Oh, now I have a completely different take of the last book, haha.

Do me a favor and let him shoot at you again. ...Gosh Carter! You're so cruel!

Oohhhh! Wren is so adorable! A heartbreaker when she grows up? She already is one. Poor Allen.

But I've followed you on your days off. *Shakes head* Carter... You're too enjoyable.

I had to laugh at the note you put into your story! Hahahaha, brilliant.

...of maybe twenty years, eighteen at most. Huh? I don't quite get what you're trying to say there.

Oh, Pat is kinda cool. I already really like this story! And I can tell it's going to be better than the first! Can't wait to get onto the next chapter!
12/11/2013 c17 32cam1121
Hey, I'm back from a bit of a hiatus. Lots of tech junk not working right and school kept me from reading but semesters over so I'm back to reading. So this chapter... You can do no wrong! Soo good. I found only one mistake where wren says she can't hear here instead of hear her but other than that, fantastic! I lived the Red Dawn reference! I'm gonna pretend that our conversation about it is the reason for it in here. :) I'm gonna keep reading and then hopefully I can start reading the third one! Can't wait!
12/3/2013 c26 15Sealgirl101
I love this story!
Missed you :(
12/2/2013 c26 2Terra Booma
Looking forward to the next one!
11/26/2013 c25 Terra Booma
Looking forward to the next installment!
11/17/2013 c24 Drierwor
Dear inkfrgz,

So the chapter is short and sweet its good sometimes to have them before a big event occurs. So it seems Akerra doesn't really know what she wants now that she has become the commander of her outfit. We shall see. Keep up the good work.

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