Just In
for Tomboy

8/10/2013 c6 T. M. Santos
I can't wait!
8/10/2013 c6 4Michelle1236
I wish it wasn't all about sex for her! I don't think they're going to do it when they get back home. Jake wants to have a real relationship with her and I hope Cam realizes that soon!
Anyways, another great chapter! I can't wait to read more!

8/10/2013 c6 Mariko
Why won't cam just be in a relationship with jake! WHY!
8/10/2013 c6 11SunnySideUp26
Omg loved it! So awesome how jake punched him then kissed her! You're the only author I know (other than myself) who updates every day, and I'm loving it!
8/9/2013 c5 4Michelle1236
I need more! This story is so good! I've never read anything like this!
Please update soon! :)

8/9/2013 c5 2WhiteTigress27
Poor Jake. It was sweet though for him to pass up sex. Not many guys would do that.
8/9/2013 c5 11SunnySideUp26
I was waiting for you to update :)
8/9/2013 c4 cecce
Love it!
8/8/2013 c4 2WhiteTigress27
I need more! Haha im really loving the story
8/8/2013 c4 1DeacccctivatedAccount
Love it!
8/7/2013 c3 11SunnySideUp26
haha I liked the ending! good story!
8/6/2013 c2 Lele Winchester
Hey I like the beginning of this story, please keep updating :D
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