Just In
for You Can't Have Everything

8/15/2019 c1 Jorja
This is amazing! I'm from England but I've never been able to go to London since it's five hours away driving. I love this even more because I'm a huge history nerd and Windsor screams everything old and full of stories and secrets!
2/6/2017 c1 Knorles
Great story, really cute ending.
7/28/2015 c1 DragonOwl
I love it! This is too cute :) and I thought the 'one can't have everything' at the end was really funny :D
2/21/2014 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
This was SO cute! I love their playful interaction :D Great story :)
8/12/2013 c1 PumpkinPieALWAYS
A refreshingly original piece that provided a pleasurable read! Especially loved the cleverness of the pun here: "The black furry hat ... he would just have to bear with it."

Please write a follow-up or start a series - I'd love to read more about Anastasia and her guard!
8/10/2013 c1 2RedRosalie
This is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever read.

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