Just In
for Never Close Enough

1/25/2014 c1 ReadingFiend
I thought you had more written - what happened to the other chapters? Please continue this story!
9/7/2013 c1 Morgan Lenay
What happened to the other chapters that were up earlier?
9/1/2013 c12 7E.Nelson
Wonderful story so far! Keep up the good work!
8/25/2013 c11 lindallama
I think I may just cry with happiness at how amazingly sweet porter is :3
sigh wishing so much I lived in a fictionpress world :'(
8/21/2013 c9 Anon
Great story! I really like it so far and can't wait
To see what happens. Love your descriptions and the dialogue!
8/23/2013 c1 1DeathCab24
I'm really liking chapters 1-5 so far. You're such a good author!

Thank you
8/17/2013 c8 Morgan Lenay
Again, WOW! You right really well. Your as good as Amanda Quick and better!
8/14/2013 c7 Morgan Lenay
Holy Shit! This is amazing. Excuse my language. Update soon!

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