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for Mixed Signals 101

8/23/2013 c2 5Mississippis
LOL! Oh my goodness! I love this! My favorite was the exception: If there is an INCREDIBLY awkward situation where the both of you are embaressed, act in the most appropriate way possible, which is have an expression of pure horror on your face. Love this bit of advice! The follow-up book to 'Mixed Signals' should be 'How to Act around a Woman' and give them pearls like this!
8/22/2013 c2 2Daisies at Sunrise
Lol, this is hilarious! Although, if a guy stopped talking to me for "prolonged periods of time," I'd probably forget he existed.
8/22/2013 c2 Enchiladas
I feel like Sheldor memorized this entire manual... *sighs* if he ever DOES date me, my first order of business will be to smack him... Oh well, great chappie as always. :)
8/21/2013 c1 5Mississippis
LOL! Wonderful beginning! Cannot wait to see where this goes!
8/21/2013 c1 Enchiladas
You have no idea how excited I am for this fic.

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