Just In
for The Complications with Love

8/8/2014 c5 SmileForMe
Wow, you really have written this story well. Is that the end? I hope not. It's just like this cute little love story and it doesn't matter if it's a boy and a girl, a girl and a girl, or a boy and a boy. As long as it's love, right? :-) Anyway, I reviewed Loneliness as Love Ya (since I am a guest,I choose names that suit my fancy whenever), and I have to say, you are one fantastic writer.
6/7/2014 c5 VampireWerewolf5150
Can you message me the ending to the complications with love. Please. I really do like this story.
11/16/2013 c4 13LadyToni
Awesome as usual. I enjoyed seeing how very attached to each other Ty and Brad are.
9/27/2013 c3 7E.Nelson
Really good chapter :) keep up the good work! I love reading about Tyler and Brad :3 they're so cute lol.
9/8/2013 c2 E.Nelson
Bras is so adorable. :)
You know, I've never been interested in reading m/m stories. But Tyler and Brad are too cute. Really. I think it helps that this is a spin off. I have no problem with guy on guy relationships, at all actually (hehe), but the way some stories or the little piece about them are written just throws me off. I think you do a wonderful job writing out these characters :) keep up the good work!
9/8/2013 c2 1CaityLightning
Hmm, interesting chapter! Brad is so adorable! Aww, I want to pinch his cheeks and ruffle his ginger hair, aww- and now in driveling. Anyways, update soon! Loved this chapter, can't wait for the next one!
9/8/2013 c1 3claritylong
Tyler has always been my favorite character in TDBMAM, so I'm really happy you are adding these! keep writing!
9/4/2013 c1 ladytoni
good story I like getting back history that is lacking in TDBMAM I look forward to the next chapter!
9/3/2013 c1 1CaityLightning
I agree, why can't people just be friends and forget about what sexuality one person is? Does their sexuality make them any less of a person? No, it doesn't. I hate, no, despise, execrate, scorn, contemn, loathe, all other synonyms, people who make fun of a persons sexuality. It's just disgusting. What has society become? Brad is adorable :D and Tyler is such a flirt xp update soon! Love the intro to this : )

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