Just In
for Those Small Raindrops

10/27/2015 c1 somersaultkick
I think we all have that feeling. That feeling that we like that stranger and we want to know them better but we cant 'cause we feel like we wont see them again.
This is so cute and adorable. _
2/22/2014 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
SO CUTE! I love this story :D
9/27/2013 c1 LetItBe78
That was just plain adorable. Good job! :)
9/26/2013 c1 25SargentLooneyPencil
This is just utterly adorable. I absolutely loved it. AMAZING
9/25/2013 c1 werciaforever13
Awwwww that was sooo sweet! :) i loved it!

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