Just In
for puppy love

10/10/2013 c1 True Talker
This is sweet to read. I would like to share this - I was in Pet Smart last night buying a bag of cat litter (Yesterday's News) and there were these puppies. And they were so cute. One of them was of a different breed and I watched him laying down near the other one looking at him. And the other puppy smaller was so cute when the other puppy left that puppy had laid down on the floor and relaxed too. He was so cute that I started sounding like a little girl the way that I was talking. What do I mean? It is the way that I had said puppy. Why? I like all animals and puppies are cute. I wanted to go to the little one and pay attention to him however it didn't seem like the right time too. I do like that both puppies were relaxed around each other and at one point the woman called the other puppies name and looked up at me then called the puppy by name telling the puppy that it was time to leave there. That was SO SWEET to see. I thought that was AWESOME that both puppies were comfortable around each other. Why did I share this? Because it was sweet to see and I like that I did see that.

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