Just In
for Writer's Block

10/30/2013 c1 10CampDreamer
Write more soon! I love your writing so much! Every time I see a notification that you've written something new I have a small heart attack and get excessively excited, like unto fangirling but with fictionpress :) you're awesome. Your writing is fantastic, and writers' block is a bitch I'm currently suffering from as well... but I'm hoping to move past it soon too! :)
Good luck and may the force be with you in your writing :)
10/28/2013 c1 12JaguarGoddess33
I know how you feel I stopped writing for a long time. I was just really busy with college and honestly, I was kind of depressed for a while and writing just seemed like too much work. I didn't think I was very good and I let that drag me down. That's kind of why I started to publish the stuff I have on my computer onto fictionpress. I was kind of hoping it would motivate me to actually finish the pieces of stories I have everywhere.

I also really really hate romance ;)
10/20/2013 c1 3Vael
The same thing has happened to me for about half of a year, albeit for different reasons. Impatience was among them. I took on projects in fantasy to be novella or novel length, and I would carefully devise the plots and interactions and events only to learn that I had no desire for such a large time investment. The optimism would fail, and I'd be left at square one, even more dejected.

I do have mixed feelings on your first point. While I have never been a fan of attention-whoring through favorites and reviews, present gratification provides an immediate incentive. Knowing that others will read my stories (and hopefully enjoy them) provides the motivation for me to write them. I will accept critiques, but I'll never change my writing style or material to appease readers.

As for romance, I could not agree with you more. I've used it once or twice as a plot element for a dystopian short, but romance for a near-emotionless writer such as myself is downright difficult. For one piece of horror I wrote, it became so infused with romance as I was discovery writing that I quit for perhaps two weeks.

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