Just In
for He's Been Right There

3/14/2014 c10 skye real
Those two are way too adorable! Love it. Can't wait til they're official!
3/6/2014 c9 Jester79
Loved the last 2 chapters made it worth the wait. Hoping for a quicker update? I absolutely love seeing Anya & Jack together. So look forward to more.
3/2/2014 c9 luv2readgirl
Awwww! :) so sweet!
3/2/2014 c9 1kanary98
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Adorable! And her favorite color is the same as mine! Loved this chapter!
3/2/2014 c9 doodling65
I love jack and sophie! but why is he confusing her so much?
2/5/2014 c7 MrsHerondale
Just found your story, and can't wait for the next chapter!
2/3/2014 c7 skye real
Glad to see they are on the road to being normal or at least working out their differences. Jack is so sweet and she seems like a cool chick. They definitely deserve each other!
2/2/2014 c7 doodling65
Love it! Please don't end this story soon, make it longer, I really love Sophia and jacks relationship !
1/31/2014 c6 Guest
More More More! Pleeeeaaassseeee
2/2/2014 c7 jmeec316
Yay! We've managed to reach a truce! Now let's go kick some butt! (And fall madly in love.)
2/2/2014 c7 1princessbloom29
Amazingly great
2/2/2014 c7 1azeeunlove
still loving this story (:
how many chapters long do you think this story will be?
1/16/2014 c6 doodling65
Love it! Please update soon
1/15/2014 c6 1kanary98
:) definitely
1/12/2014 c5 1azeeunlove
loving this story please finish it and update soon!
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