Just In
for He's Been Right There

11/26/2013 c2 thatweirdgurl97
Update please!
11/18/2013 c1 1kanary98
I love it! Please don't make it just a one-shot! I really wanna read more now :( please please please please please please please please please please please update! Please!
11/17/2013 c1 supersaiyanx
This is a great story

I hope that you decide to continue with it
11/9/2013 c1 solosinger1
Ooooo I like it! Continue!
10/28/2013 c1 Anonymous
It is good. Would make a good story?
10/29/2013 c1 2QueenJayJay
Awesome story! You're going to leave it as a One-Shot?
10/29/2013 c1 doodling65
Omg you have to keep writing please! That was amazing
10/28/2013 c1 VampireWerewolf5150
This story is very good..I hope you make it more than a one-shot.
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