Just In
for Tentacles

11/21/2013 c11 Cj Quinn
11/21/2013 c10 Cj Quinn
... what
11/21/2013 c9 Cj Quinn
This... has become another story entirely. I don't mind! But it seems more like a sequel
11/21/2013 c8 Cj Quinn
Hehhehehehehehehe... whaaaaat the heck is going on
11/21/2013 c7 Cj Quinn
11/21/2013 c6 Cj Quinn
11/21/2013 c5 Cj Quinn
11/21/2013 c4 Cj Quinn
Awwwwwwwwwwwwe stockholm syndrome! Adorable!
11/21/2013 c3 Cj Quinn
Tehe peeing
11/21/2013 c2 Cj Quinn
Oooooookay this isn't too weird yet, so I shall keep reading. But I am a little weirded out and I can't help but wonder how they will communicate?
11/21/2013 c1 Cj Quinn
Well then... I'll be reading onwards. This is weird. Hopeful it wont gwt too weird for me I'd like to see where this goes.
11/10/2013 c12 7AHeartbrokenSoulandMind
I don't know what this was or what I expected but I loved it. Your fabulous, don't change!
11/7/2013 c12 1firefox vixen
Hope to
11/3/2013 c12 1lovesyoumore
Loved it! So unique!
11/2/2013 c9 Jess
I have been following your stories since "fur", I didn't like the idea of a bit a forced mating but as long as it turned out to be successful I was okay with it in end. But this story is an atrocity and it needs to be removed from fictionpress and if you made a paper verson it needs to be burned.
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