Just In
for Hexing the Hounds

6/29/2019 c5 3xoxlizzie
I'm very sad this story was abandoned but it was great! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Honestly, if you ever feel like posting just to let us know what was going to happen (if Remy ended up with Copper or not) then that would be amazing
1/2/2017 c5 renell.mallari.1995
Whitney is the girl he's fucking back in florida right?! Omg pls update soon!
9/22/2016 c5 4carifoo2001
there's so many open ends to be tied oh my god

pls come back from the dead I wanna know what happens
7/3/2016 c1 Anon
I miss this story too ):
2/23/2016 c5 Guest
I miss this story
12/25/2015 c5 Zantedeschia
Aarrghh arrghhh Copper Copper Copper
Poor Copper
Kody, back off.
Patches/Tag, die.
Remy, make up your mind and choose Copper.
Copper, don't move on.

Aaaagghhhhhhh agh AaAAAaaAAAa

What's the relationship between Whitney and Tag? I was suspicious because Whitney has the same height as remy, as well as big eyes. It was disturbing to know they have similiar feature, maybe tag purposely chooses Whitney because he looks familiar like his former lover? Fuck buddies maybe? Or Childhood friends ? Oh yeah, Whitney has the same Persona as Remy too. What's the deal with that?

And Copper recognized Whitney somewhere, too suspicious. Maybe Whitney know Copper way before him, that's why he asked Copper on a date?

I felt bad for Copper, I want him with Remy so bad. But what's the deal with Tag lying to Remy about his parents? To make Remy pity him? Ugh I was so shocked. I'd start hating Tag at that moment but, Tag must have a reason to do that, right?
12/25/2015 c4 Zantedeschia
As expected of Remy! He's too smart
12/25/2015 c2 Zantedeschia
"The end of this chapter got so sappy I almost rewrote it and made someone get eaten by a shark."

Damn you're cruel XD. What about rewrote it and made 'someone' get eaten by Copper? ;);)
12/25/2015 c1 Zantedeschia
Wheeeee sequel, maybe you could make a sweet sweet love moments between Remy and Copper ?
12/8/2015 c5 Nyahahaha
I want more, damnit! Remy is one lovable weird manipulative asshole, and he's totally adorable. Damnit.
6/27/2015 c5 2toshica
Nice to see you back haha. I now understand why Copper didn't make the Whitney connection, because that confused me a little. I'm glad that Remy's being fairer too although I am favouring Copper at the moment
6/26/2015 c5 Adria Zoi Parzifal
Ahhh I'm so glad you're back! Great chapter by the way, the other day I was thinking about Jinxing Remy and considering re-reading it even though I have shit to do. And now that you updated again I probably will! Probably just to remember in greater detail everything that happened...because damn it's good and I love this story and keep writing whenever you get the chance! I was so excited to see and update today and I can't wait for the next one! Thank you so much for this awesome chapter of this amazing story!
6/26/2015 c5 Guest
Shoot it's been so long I think I need to read everything over again but it's a good story! Lol I'm remembering how much I love your writing style. Thanks for updating!
6/26/2015 c5 Maeve Selene
Oh my god I'm so ridiculously happy you updated you have no idea! I've been waiting for so long for a new chapter and you definitely didn't disappoint :)
6/26/2015 c5 3Kingdom Of Spades
I'm so happy to see that you're back from hiatus! I've missed this story and all of its amazing characters so much. I can't wait to see Remy and Tag interact again - I have so many theories about how it will happen but I'm sure whatever you come up with will be incredible :)
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