Just In
for A Healing Whisper

12/30/2013 c5 Jester79
New developments - new people - looks like things are getting a little complicated.
12/30/2013 c5 alchem
Great Story. I love the pace. I also like the subtle use of fantasy elements. I appreciate the you didn't try to make-up a new language and landscape to write an imaginitive story. Thank you for sharing.
12/30/2013 c5 skye real
Rider...tsk tsk tsk... I'm disappointed in you... Belle is such an innocent and definitely doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. Oops, what has she got herself into now...
12/30/2013 c1 guest
thank you for all the updates! belle is such a nice character
12/29/2013 c4 1Fair to Midland my children
Love it!
12/28/2013 c4 17Anehalia
I like this story and your writing style. Normally I'm not a fan of the unloved girl meets amazingly hot guy, but she was actually fairly pretty (surprised more of the guys in her village weren't coming on to her, and they both have a lot of flaws, so I actually really enjoyed this story and found it to be good. (Its really hard for me to call a story good these days.)
12/28/2013 c4 Jester79
Poor Red! Can Rider be anymore of an idiot? Talk about crushing someone's hopes / feelings. I do hope he spends more time with her helping her figure out how her powers work. Thanks for the quick update always looking forward to more.
12/27/2013 c3 Jester79
I enjoyed this chapter. I understand how Rider feels. He doesn't want to have any feelings for Red but can't seem to be able to control them. I'm looking forward to him giving her answers to what kind of powers she has. I'm sure he knows what most of them are. Looking forward to more.
12/27/2013 c3 FlowerGirl55
Really of story I love it! Keep updating hopefully you don't stop updating like all my other authors!
12/22/2013 c2 skye real
This is an interesting plot. Very intriguing and I can't wait to read more :)
12/22/2013 c2 guest
aahhhh i luv it already
12/16/2013 c1 skye real
Interesting start.
12/15/2013 c1 meow
I like this story, have a cherry c:
12/14/2013 c1 1Fair to Midland my children
Sounds like its going to be a cute story.
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