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for I'm Getting Married?

7/14/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Heyya! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
7/18/2017 c3 Dita5000
Really loving this re-written version of the story and am looking forward to the next chapter. Also, hoping that the person to have cleared their throat was Zach. I'm dying to see their first interaction in this new version. Please keep up the good work and I hope to be able to read more when you are able to get more posted.
8/14/2016 c3 2Topic
I normally don't write reviews, but I figured I would help. The writing itself is fine. There's another problem, it's the head-hopping. Especially from first person POV, it makes it a confusing read. I wasn't able to tell that you had switched from Valerie to Anthony, leaving me very confused. Which, in turn, subtracted from the writing. If you're going to have split POV, it's easier to do it chapter by chapter. And you also have to identify whose POV it is or the reader will have to figure it out on their on. That is a writing no-no.
Also, for the second to last line, it's their not there.
I'm interested enough to keep reading and see your writing improve.
12/18/2013 c1 deets1
I like this story do far. I just read part of the other version so I would say yes, the style had changed, and it's changed for the better.
12/16/2013 c1 1handbookfortheheartless
Ooh! Very interesting. Will definitely keep my eye out for this story in the future!

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