Just In
for A Restoration of the Heart

3/21/2014 c24 smrae
Ugh so sad this chapter! You captured all the emotions and feelings with Prudence very well. To go thru this while pregnant with no cell phone...terrible lol. Great update looking forward to the next chapter!
3/20/2014 c24 2I-Was-Born-With-A-Voice
Thanks for updating so quick! Please do so again! And let George prove himself ! Cheering him on
3/20/2014 c24 gracefish21
3/20/2014 c24 Megushie
Two updates in such a short time! I just wanted to hug Prudence, the poor girl. I'm hoping that nothing unfortunate befalls George - you've been hinting at a bad experience traveling by horseback!
3/20/2014 c23 Anano
Gahh!Please don't let George die!Make Angelique go away!How many chapters are you planning?Great work like always!
3/19/2014 c23 4Leasah
Oh my, this was kind of heartbreaking. I hope she will be alright, with the child and all. I am glad that George made the decision of letting Angelique go. I can't wait for him to do it actually. I just hope that he will succeed in making Prudence trust him again. This is so sad for Prudence, seeing how happy she was and how she was willing to trust him. I feel sorry for both of them.
3/19/2014 c23 MsTaylor
You just wounded me, how dare he! Thought he was going to change. Poor Pru!
3/19/2014 c23 Zoe
ahhh you kill me, really you do.

Their up one minute and down the next. George is one big dummy. I really hope he goes to London and does what he promises to do. It would be really sad if they don't end up happy together.

Can't wait for another update! And your new story- loving it. Is it a rewrite of a "The Importance of Writing?" because I always wished you had added more to that story.
3/19/2014 c23 Guest
George! :( Wow, you update so quickly, so happy :)
3/19/2014 c23 Guest
.God...after everything!And I mean everything that has happened, you-you are sending him away from her now? . .time ever! Its real sucky, however I remain reading-it is very admirable that you can write the kind of tension they find themselves in even when in the cottage together and on as knifes point at any given sad they're missing each other, its horrible to watch/read but so well done...I think George is determined to make a life with Prudence, I like that. I just wish that Prudence could have an aha moment or something that would make that seed of doubt in her mind die, I would like to see another marriage sit down conversation those have been so exquisite and also wrenching but such is life lol, puh-lease just, no dying...by the way, I loved how you have just grown their intimacy from the ground up :) much love to you!...continue to be unabashedly glorious
3/19/2014 c23 gracefish21
3/18/2014 c23 1pittstick1
Oh George. I am always excited to check my mail hoping there is an update. I love this story even with the heartache and especial through the loving moments. I do not trust the reverend for one minute. I certainly hope it works out. I hope he goes to London sends his mistress away and never leaves Prudence's side and hopefully trust can be built. So excited to see what is next!
3/18/2014 c23 2I-Was-Born-With-A-Voice
So sad... Can't wait till he drops the whore!
3/18/2014 c23 4The Phoenix Girl
The note scared me half to death and I'm running late now (I have to be in work in 10 mins) but I couldn't not read the new chapter! I'm addicted to this story despite how worried I am of the (Angst) part because usually stories under the Angest category have a sad ending :s I just want Prudence to be happy! :(
Okay enough with the whining the new chapter was amazing! The part where George was trying to convince Prudence caused a lump in my throat! I loved it!
Epic chapter!
3/18/2014 c23 smrae
Oh snap I don't blame Prudence at all for berating him. That letter was so intimate and I understand his tactic, but dang I would be mad haha. Great update! Looking forward to Angelique going back to France. Your time is up girly!
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