Just In
for A Restoration of the Heart

12/9/2017 c3 Anon
Oh my lord. I love the way your write. I am superbly grateful that this story is completed right now.
10/25/2017 c31 FR3AKSH0WV1CT1M
I think this is my favorite of all your stories so far! I love Elizabeth and Edward but Prudence and George definitely take the cake! The amount of growth that Prudence went through without losing her moral and character was amazing!
7/6/2017 c29 Dineo
I should say...well written!
7/2/2017 c31 Mrs. Awesomesauceness
Just a good, well-rounded story. Thank goodness we have matured as a society in social ways where marriages likes these are super commonplace. But I appreciate that you gave a hopeful, happy ending to this one.
4/5/2017 c17 bow ties
Wow. George has to be the most disgusting and spineless piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure of reading. I hope she divorces him and marries a nice guy that deserves her.
4/5/2017 c3 bow ties
I've just started this story and I feel miserable for Prudence already. Wish she could kick her stupid husband and brother in law in the arse and marry an honourable man. :(
2/17/2017 c3 ramla omar
Bitch your book is a work of art. You can publish this.
7/14/2016 c31 Mees
I loved your story, thank you for posting it!
6/12/2016 c6 Guest
Really enjoyed this chapter!
6/12/2016 c5 Guest
Awesome chapter... You were able to bring the intricacies in their feelings in such detail!
1/27/2016 c8 Anonymous
Seriously, your characters are so real it almost like I'm reading a published novel! I could really imagine this being adapted into a movie. Hell, I've been reading this with Michael Fassbender in mind as the leading man.

Perhaps you should try to publish your work? And if you already did, I hope it goes well for you and someday I'll see your name and novel in the bestselling list because you really are a good writter.
9/26/2015 c11 Teesta
I love Prudence so much! This novel is one of the best I have read on fictionpress. You must seriously think of publishing this as a book someday. It would be a damn good read.
7/31/2015 c7 Annie
This story is seriously so good! I have to comment to thank you for not letting Prudence slide George's rudeness! Seriously, he's been such a jerk and she doesn't need his BS. Gah! She's also suffering here. Anyway good story so far (: excited to see how this will end! Thanks for sharing!
6/26/2015 c1 engsubpls
i have read this in one sitting and i must say it was a pleasant experience.. Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful story :)
5/22/2015 c7 Guest
You go girl! Guys are such idiots sometimes they say insults without even realizing it. Think about what you say before saying it. Really? Calling her a sacrifice
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