Just In
for A Restoration of the Heart

12/31/2014 c27 51Brievel
Percival is rather dim, isn't he.
12/30/2014 c23 Brievel

And you, author - because of you it is quarter till three in the morning and I am a soggy mess!
12/30/2014 c21 Brievel
Better. You're learning, might make a decent husband yet.
But first, a letter to write...
12/30/2014 c20 Brievel
Idiot. But less so than last time.
12/30/2014 c17 Brievel

(Respective, not perspective.)
12/30/2014 c16 Brievel
Someone's life is going to cleverly manipulated by a woman, and not a French one either...
12/30/2014 c14 Brievel
Wish I had a Robert. :/
12/30/2014 c10 Brievel
12/30/2014 c9 Brievel
I may or may not be currently planning a very painful and bloody murder for Charles...
12/30/2014 c7 Brievel
Okay, I'll admit to not reviewing because, well, frankly, I'm not altogether comfortable with all I've seen written but despite that...I love the story, I love the time period, and this is better than Jane Austen.
And I'm sitting here with my mouth hanging open that Prudence would dump her wine on him. I'm just...dying of laughter inside because I'm supposed to be in bed and I can't wake up my mother...
10/2/2014 c30 2bubublacz
So sorry for not writing anything while I was reading your story. I would just like to say that I love your story so much! You had me feeling like I was riding a rollercoaster! I hate Angelique. Paahhh! I love how you painted their era. To me, it didn't sound force. The characters really belonged in this era. I love how George was portrayed to be an adulterer and how he changed to become someone new. I like it that George's transition wasn't too abrupt. It was just right. Most of all, I love Prudence! I could still remember feeling that jolt in the 1st chapter when she had been too honest with him, talking about his mistress. It was then that I felt that hey, this is somebody new, she is intriguing! She's such a badass!

Really I love these stories! You are such a good writer and I am so happy to have read this. Though at first, I didn't want to read it because it was Angst, but Uggghhh! This story just felt so perfect! I love the feeling of feeling different emotions when I read. I felt excited when I read the first part of your stories, which turned to pity for Prudence, anger for damnable George (not denying about his mistress and his mistress' expenses! How I hated that! I would have cut off his balls if it were me, just saying! I loved the realism in this part), hope for Prudence, hatred for George wanting him to leave his dear Ange (gah!), happiness for Prudence when she seemed to regain her life back and the rest well I just went with your flow. Thank you once again!

I have deeply fallen in love with Prudence and George. Thank you! :D
9/26/2014 c17 Sinalist
he left the room feeling like a ginormous idiot for leaving the best person in his life right now...
9/19/2014 c15 Sinalist
He's just acting foolish now. It is evident his mistress Angelique no longer serves her purpose, so be rid of her and inform Prudence SHE IS THE ONE YOU WANT O-O-O HONEY! YOUR DESTINY...
9/17/2014 c13 Sinalist
AHHH Charles is an ungrateful fool who needs a smack from reality, maybe breaking his arm or a deadly fall from the stairs? People who's goal in life is misery to others ANNOY me SO MUCH.
HE HAS NOT been honest with her at all, he's the worst kind of deceiving. I hate cheaters so much but strangely enough, though I do dislike George, Charles is sparking a strong hate for some reason.
Maybe it's because when I was younger I was extremely naive and because of that got mocked sometimes...
9/13/2014 c31 I keep trying to delete this
This is the second story I've read on fiction press and just wow. I've been reading fan fiction for a while now and thought that it was time to try something different and I have to say that you've set the bar quite high. I've really enjoyed it and thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading some more of your work.
Best wishes
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