Just In
for I am Chosen

4/17/2014 c23 2Terra Booma

cliffhangers hurt
4/16/2014 c23 1Beta Productions
DAMMIT LIO! YET ANOTHER! DEATH! ...let there be peace...

*sigh* BUT YAY! THEY ARE REUNITED! *sob* ITS SO BEAUTIFUL! *blows nose* But poor Ethe and Koll... Ack! *clutches heart* it's just destroy my heart.

"To love is destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed"

Sorry for any mistakes I'm writing on my IOhone)
4/16/2014 c23 30Black Trinity
The siblings meet! Wonder what will he do? And it seems like things will only spiral into more chaos from there. Keeping my fingers crossed for pairing too!
Your reviewer and friend BT, goin out with a bang!
Oh, and as always,
Please and thank you
4/16/2014 c23 1Krast Bannert
Wait, wait, wait! How the hell did he get across the Atlantic Ocean!? Especially to South Africa!? They are in South Africa, right?
4/16/2014 c22 Krast Bannert
Alright, I finally read it! That was one cruel move by Miles. I would like to hunt him down and shoot his head off with a .50 rifle at point blank range. Other than that, nice chapter.
4/15/2014 c22 10Aquade
She's going to ask for that man that she didn't kill or something, right? Sorry, I forgot his name.

So Lio and she are he only ones who survived the missile attack! I guess Miles's plan to destroy the entire team didn't work. Was it his plan?
4/14/2014 c22 30Black Trinity
Yah outdid uourself with this one. I could axtually feel myself looking through Tawny's eyes. And my phone typn
4/14/2014 c22 2Terra Booma
Well crap



Big Chapter

4/14/2014 c1 1Beta Productions
Man I can't review for the 22nd chapter because I have already review :( but YAY! THAT CHAPTER WAS AMAZING! Now we must mourn for the dead...all of them that died in that chapter.. Vad and the rest

It's probably longer then before because there was couple more deaths. And no prob and I love being your audience \\\
4/14/2014 c22 Beta Productions
This is the same as the first chapter? What happen? Are you playing with my emotions? Agh! *clutches heart* you leave me with a hanger on the last chapter and with the next update you tricked me! :( not cool man
4/13/2014 c21 30Black Trinity
Sorry I haven't reviewed for sometime. Friggin mid-term exams are biting into my neck like incessant fleas. Nice chapter btw. That memory erasure was quite a nice touch-I also was kinda mad that her memories had to be erased, like her brother :D.
As usual.
4/11/2014 c21 1Krast Bannert
So...wait a minute. More relationship trouble?! You just love emotionally torturing your characters, don't you? Meh, I'm about to do the same. One tip, I don't know if you're Med-evac is something different, but I most of the time I've seen medical evacuation written as "Medevac". Just seems weirder, the way you write it.
4/11/2014 c21 1Beta Productions
I like that phrase "a heart on your sleeve" it's beautiful...NEW EDIT! XD YAY! WINN SURIVED! And now you can tell the difference of the relationship between Ethe, Tawny and Koll. Ethe is the flirty brother while Koll is the protective boyfriend ;) I like that...Its perfect match. No love triangles just action and death ((unless you put a love triangle in the future))
4/11/2014 c21 2Terra Booma
Nice chapter, I like Omi

Question, how old is Omi compared to the other characters?
4/10/2014 c20 10Aquade
I hope everybody makes it! I liked Winning. Please don't let him die
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