Just In
for I am Chosen

1/28/2014 c3 2Terra Booma
I like where it's going! Keep it up!
1/25/2014 c2 Terra Booma
I really want to know where this is going...

And hey, potential factions seem interesting
1/25/2014 c2 16lojzek91
I'm very interested to see the development. Not too Hunger Games-y, I presume?
1/25/2014 c2 1Krast Bannert
Did you get inspired by the Hunger Games again?
1/23/2014 c1 2Terra Booma
Great Story Ink!

Good descriptions, good world so far, and I love the characters, Looking forward to more!
1/23/2014 c1 1Krast Bannert
Very interesting...I'm guessing this is kinda like the hunger games?
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